Chapter 1426 Raiders villain BOSS97

"I have signed up for you to seal a jungle survival devil training camp, not only can exercise, but also let you improve your skills, do you feel very moved?" Bei Yuqi asked with a smile.

Beichen was frowning. If he refused, he said that he had not said anything. He heard Bei Yuxi said: "When you become very powerful, I will protect you later."

The north rain saw his brow tightened, his eyebrows screamed, and said: "Don't you want to protect me?"

Beichen was busy shaking his head. "No."

He, he just didn't want to leave her.

Sealed training, that means he will not see her for a long time, can not be with her.

"What is the reluctant expression on your face?" Bei Yu stared at him.

Bei Chen’s heart sighed slightly. “I can learn here too. I can also make myself very powerful and protect you.”

"No matter how good it is, there is no better place. You must know that the most powerful killers in the world are coming out from there. In the guidelines of my northern rain, do not want to, if you want, you must be the best. You don't want to be the best. People?"

He doesn't want to be the best person, he just wants to be with her.

But since she wants it, he will do it for her.

"I go."

Hearing his consent, the face of Bei Yu's face swayed with a smile.

Beichen was fascinated by her smile, and she looked at her with gaze.

The northern rain seems to have not noticed his hot eyes, and he stretched out his little finger.

When Beichen was blaspheming, she took his hand, opened his little finger, put his little finger on it, "pull it." Then, they put a thumb on each other's thumbs.

When the thumbs of each other are right, Bei Chen’s heart is like what is touched.

He looked at the hand that was on his thumb, as if he was not holding his hand, but his heart.

"Now the hook is pulled, the stamp is also covered, you can't go back. Become the most powerful person. In this case, I can walk outside, no one dares to bully me." Laughing.

"Yeah." Beichen lightly responded, as if she was infected, and her lips swayed with a smile. The tone said solemnly: "I won't bully you."

Just then, the sound of the system sounded in the mind of Bei Yuying.

[Hey, the villain has a good feeling for the host. 】

[The mission completion degree is one hundred. 】

[Congratulations to the host to complete the task. 】

The sudden sound, the sudden completion of the task prompt, let the look of the North Yu Yan slightly.

It turned out to be such a step!

[Friendly reminder, please host a reasonable choice to leave, do not stimulate the villain BOSS, so as not to give up. 】 reminded me.

"I understand."

The North Rain is never expected, and will prompt to complete the task at this time.

The difference between the game rules of the rescue system and the slagging system is really great.

The next day, Bei Yuyu sent Beichen to a private jet.

She stood below and watched Beichen take the plane and watched the plane rise to the sky and disappear into the clouds.

Beichen’s gaze on the plane looked at the people below from beginning to end until he could not see it again.

"wait for me."

Bei Chen is facing the window, where she is in the air.

After the plane left, Bei Yu's cell phone rang, and a video was sent on it. The content of the video was a photo that was once screened for her.

(End of this chapter)

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