Chapter 1429 Raiders villain BOSS100

The north rains are clear.

"Why don't you dare to come over?" Bei Yuyu looked at him with a sly look. "You don't love me? Now I just let you come over, you can't do it, how can I believe that you really love me, it will hurt me." ?"

When talking, the sarcasm on her face should not be too obvious, as if taunting his lie.

Ou Nan wanted to go, but still listened to the words of the mysterious man, did not come forward.

When he saw him in the north, he didn’t move, his face was covered with a stunned color, but the corner of his lips was a smirk. "Hey, just a little temptation, let you see the original shape. Ou Nan, you really Too disappointing me."

Ou Nan naturally noticed the gloom of the flash of the North Rain, and the heart was moving, and there was hope in the bottom of my heart.

It seems that she still cares about her own, just does not admit it.

The northern rain whispered: "I will give you a chance."

There was some heartbeat in Ou Nan, but the mysterious man’s cold voice came from his ear.

"She is lying to you. If you are in the past, you will be on her."

The words of the mysterious man made Ou Nan swing, and finally he followed his words.

It’s a pity that the northern rains and the dark roads are not too disappointing.

Behind him, there is a mysterious man who advises him. It is a bit difficult to play with Ou Nan. However, it is not that he is not his target, but the man who has been hiding in the dark.

"I have come over today, then can you give me the video in your hand?" Bei Yu said.

Ou Nan chuckled. "If you want a video, you have to promise me a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Be my woman." Ou Nan began to follow the mysterious man said, "Bei Chen, that monster is not for you."

"Monster?" North Rain squinted. "Where is he strange, let you call it a monster? Don't think that you gave me a video, I will believe it."

The mysterious man heard the question from the north rain, and the sly scorpion looked at her.

Ou Nan did not know what was in the video. Naturally, he did not understand what Bei Yuxi said. He waited for the reply of the mysterious man.

Bei Yu Yan is paying attention to the look of the face of Ou Nan.

When she mentioned the monster, his look was calm, and the look seemed to go lightly. In fact, it just reflected one thing, that is, he didn’t know anything. If you have seen it, I am afraid I have been screaming for a long time, and I am not so calm.

If he didn't know, the only person who knew it was the mysterious man who held the video and controlled everything.

That important video must be on him.

After thinking about it, Bei Yu’s mind began to find out how to use the southern part of the country to lead the person out. As for writing something in the south of the country, the North Rain will not consider it. The reason is very simple. On the one hand, Ou Nan is at the mercy of others.

Even if Ou Nan died in front of him, it is estimated that he will not let him shoot.

The only thing that North Rain can't guess is what kind of purpose the person has.

She did not meet the person, and there is no hatred with him, then the only possibility is to target the North behind her.

At this time, the northern rain smelled the scent of the air that floated in the air. The fragrance was clearly the aphrodisiac that catalyzed the human wang, but the drug evaporates in the air and enters the body through breathing.

The rain is across from the south of the country, and his expression should be part of their plan.

(End of this chapter)

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