Chapter 1432 Raiders villain BOSS103

She is awkward!

The mysterious man really did not think that one day, he would be planted in the hands of a woman.

This woman was still a woman she had despised.

After the rain was confirmed that he was not in danger, he walked aside and turned on the switch. The whole room was bright and the mysterious man was exposed to the light.

The northern rain opened his cap, revealing an ordinary face.

This face is placed in the crowd and will never attract attention. The only thing that pays attention is his eyes, sharp and sharp, especially when staring at you, there will be a feeling of being stared by a poisonous snake.

This person's body exudes a **** smell that seems to be absent, apparently a person who walks around the sword all the year round.

Bei Yuyu ignored the injury on his body and looked at him coldly. "Hand over the things."

The mysterious man chuckled, "What?"

For his stupidity, Bei Yuyu was not angry at all, and said without hesitation, "The people who contacted me these days are not Ou Nan, but you. You are carrying the banner of Ou Nan and practicing yours. Purpose. Your goal is me."

The mysterious man raised his eyebrows and did not care what she said.

Bei Yu Yan continued: "If I am a person with no hands and no force, I happen to have chun medicine, and then I will be innocent by the idiot of Ou Nan. As for you who have been hiding in the dark, you should Waiting for our dust to fall behind, kill me again, and blame the crime on the South."

"If I am dead, the North will not let go of the European family. Your ultimate goal is to provoke a struggle between the two communities. This is your real purpose. As for the video, it is the best weapon to lure me. ""

When her words were finished, the mysterious man’s eyebrows jumped a few times, although the face remained calm, but the bottom of his heart was a storm.

He did not expect her to guess.

The North family is really amazing, there is no waste that is useless.

This north rainy shadow is deep enough.

The North has deceived everyone.

Her ability is no worse than her two older brothers.

"Things come out." Bei Yuyu smiled and looked at him.

The mysterious man chuckled, "Miss North, it’s really hidden."

If she knew that she had such skills, he would not cooperate with the idiot of Ou Nan, and the ending would not be the case.

The mysterious man seems to have no sense of imprisonment. He smiles and asks: "Isn't that monster, North Miss not afraid?"

"Monster?" North Rain snorted. "That is the power that God has given him. If you have such power, would you feel like a monster?"

The mysterious man laughed. "Miss Bei is really interesting."

"A few nonsense, things are handed over." Bei Yuyan's eyes swept over his body, seemingly looking for the existence of that thing.

"Don't look for it, I put it in a very safe place. If I don't go back in twenty-four hours, the video will be automatically released to the hands of the major families, and all the major online platforms will appear." Mysterious men have no fear Said.

The mysterious man thought she would be angry, but she never thought of seeing her laughing low.

"I am not Eunan."

That means that he will not believe his ghosts.

The mysterious man brows and picks, "Miss North can give it a try."

The northern rain screamed at him with a touch of meaningful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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