Chapter 1435 Raiders villain BOSS106

A long, slender figure travels through the jungle, and his eyes are sharply observing everything around him.

It is not only the attack of the beasts that is to be guarded here, but also the plots from the same kind.

The monitoring room is divided into several screens, and the center of the picture is directed at Beichen. The three instructors stood in front of the video and looked at Beichen in the video. At the same time, an instructor recorded the data of Beichen.

"This is not bad in this batch of freshmen," said one of the instructors.

"Medium ability is moderate, physical strength is lower, endurance is superior, and comprehensive strength is medium." The instructor who recorded the data reported Beichen's data.

The headed man whispered: "Change."

The video was quickly switched off and the screen was converted to another student.

Here is the closed devil training camp, which does not belong to any family.

The major families are jealous of this point and will not easily provoke.

Three of the world's most famous masters, three of them must come out from here.

Here, fresh and continuous blood enters the area. These people may enter through the selection, or they may be taken by the people of the organization and brought back to the base. There are also a lot of money like Beichen.

The people inside, if they want to come out, they have to pass the test of the base, and the standard of test is to kill the same group of people who entered the base and become the NO1 among them to qualify.

Beichen looked at his top and kept following his surveillance. There is it, Beichen has not used the power so far.

Here they don't know everything about the outside world, because everything in the outside world has nothing to do with them.

What they have to do is to grow and grow, to absorb all the knowledge, to defeat everyone, and to get out of here.


Three years later

On the tarmac of the base, an instructor returned the things he brought with him that year.

Beichen looked at the mobile phone and gently stroked it, just like stroking the rare treasures.

The instructor watched him cherish the phone so much, and he thought that before that, the mobile phone they gave him would be rejected by him.

"Congratulations." The instructor looked at him, and there was another layer of things in the cold eyes.

It is a kind of expression that will be revealed to the students who are most proud of themselves.

For many years, he was the fastest and most embarrassing person among them. Before that, they were not optimistic about him, but with the following time, his performance was greatly unexpected to everyone.

He defeated many people who were far better than him and became the king of defending in this world. Even the instructors in the entire base are not his opponents.

He once asked him, ‘why do you want to be stronger’

He only said one sentence.

He wants to protect the person he wants to protect.

Who is that, the instructor did not ask.

The instructor watched Beichen get on the plane and stay away from the closed devil base.

Beichen couldn't wait to return to her side and wanted to tell her that he could protect her and keep her from being bullied.

He looked at things that she had set for herself over and over again. After three years, these things were a bit old, but he was reluctant to give up and still kept it precious.

He looked at them from time to time, as if looking at them, just like seeing her.

In my mind, I couldn’t help but think of her fierce picture of stuffing these things into his hands.

The cold and deep eyes of the eyes gradually became the temperature.

Ps: fifth, fifth, more...

There are five more later...

This plane is over.

(End of this chapter)

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