Chapter 1439 Raiders villain BOSS110

Before they opened their mouths, they saw that the people in front of them disappeared instantly. When they had not reacted, the guns in their hands disappeared. When Beichen stood in front of them, holding their pistol in their hands, what happened to a few talents.

When they were still amazed at his devil's skill, what happened in the next scene actually shocked them.

I saw the gun in his hand and disappeared from his hand.

"You, you..." The security guard headed by him looked at him in horror.

"Roll." Beichen gave a low drink.

The factor of anger in his heart, wants to destroy them, but he always remembers the vows that he once sent to his nephew.

Do not kill innocent people.

He restrained the tyrannical factor in the depths of his heart and restrained the desire to destroy everything.

The five people were shocked by the momentum that came out of him, and they were scared to run with the roll.

After the five security guards returned, one of them recognized the identity of Beichen. When he learned that he was Beichen, he immediately reported to his superiors.

Beifeng came back to know that Beichen had disappeared for three years, and at the grave of his sister, he only said one sentence and went with him.

With the instructions of the North Master, the five security guards naturally no longer want to provoke him.

This person is not a good person at first glance.

The five security guards watched Beichen stand there all the time. They thought he would leave soon, but when the sun fell, he still stood there, motionless.

When the night came, he still stood there, like a statue.

"I heard that the relationship between Beichen and Miss Bei is very shallow. Now it seems that it is not empty." The security guard who first recognized Beichen said softly.

Another security guard immediately said: "Where is the truth, I think it is like the sea. You look at his present appearance, and he is almost ready to see his wife."

"Why haven't you seen him before?"

"Who knows."

Late at night, several security guards saw him still standing there.

"You said if you want to give him something to eat. He hasn't eaten in one day."

"I don't think you should bother him."

"Right, don't go. His current situation, it is estimated that there is nothing to eat." A security guard echoed.


When the sun rising over the day, the people in front of the tombstone still stood there.

A few people saw him still standing there, admire him for his strength and dedication.

"How long have you said he will stand here?" One of the security guards whispered.

"I guess I will leave in the morning."

"Oh, how can you think of him as useless, at least until noon."

"No, no, I will leave tomorrow."

The five people had different opinions and finally started betting.

However, he waited until the second day and he still stood there.

On the third night of the night, he still remained as it was before, motionless.

The five security guards took up the gesture of watching the show before, and could not help but be moved by this insistence.

The fourth day came soon, and he still stood there, his eyes never moving half a point off her photo.

"He will go on like this again, he will die."

"We still look at him in the past." Someone suggested.

"it is good."

A few people are still moved by Bei Chen’s attachment.

When the five were not near, they heard him sigh and "roll."

When a few people listened, he still had the strength to let them roll, and he was mad at his disrespectful attitude, and he no longer cares about him.

The next day, they opened their eyes and looked at the graveyard, the figure disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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