Chapter 1455 Real World 13

Tang Jingyu’s twilight is heavy. “Today is not a poetry competition. You can rest assured that even if you are not the best in the next league, no one who wants to come here will laugh at you.”

The people present were silent, and none of them spoke. The eyes glanced back and forth between Tang Jingyu and Beilin.

The smell of gunpowder on the cruise ship became more and more intense, and the dancers and the famous monks who were accompanying the guests closed their mouths and dared not speak out.

Gu Hanyu is a headache. Banqueting Tang Jingyu is out of courtesy. I thought he would not appear. He knows that he is coming, and he still carries a woman.

It’s not good to offend on both sides, offending one of them, and it’s bound to push the other side into the camp of other emperors, which is not what he wants to see.

Gu Hanyu sounded at the right time, "Miss Gu, this is my next, how?"

This is also to give the face of Tang Jingyu, let Gu Yuran down the steps.

Gu Ruran smiled. "This is an honor for the little girl."

Gu Hanyu shook the fan lightly, and after a moment of indulging for a while, "Knocking the cockroach to return to the nest."

"it is good."

"The three emperors are good."

The people around them clap their hands and applaud. The thick smell of gunpowder in the boat was diluted by their applause. This is also a relief of the atmosphere of repression.

The next poem, completely became the stage of Gu Ruran, telling a sentence from her mouth and then a poem, so that the public buddies present at the scene opened their eyes, and her eyes changed and changed.

Even the three emperors, Gu Hanyu, admire Gu Ruran’s talents and keep her in mind.

Gu Yuran deliberately made a speech about the battlefield, the first slogan, the magnificent word Fu, even the North Lin who has always been very disgusted with her.

Gu Yanran saw a flash of light in the eyes of Beilin, and the smile on the lips was more and more fascinating.

Before, it was a dispensable existence for Gu Ruran.

Less than an hour of effort, the buddies of the present family, their eyes fell on her body, and her talents and talks and insights were convinced, watching her eyes grow up and admire.

Tang Jingyu is very proud of her beloved woman. Her outstandingness is endorsed by others, but his heart is very awkward, especially when he sees his man looking at Gu’s eyes, so that he can’t wait to hide this little woman alone. One person appreciates her beauty.

At night, the boat was docked, and all the buddies went back. From that day on, the name of the talented woman of Gu’s niece came out from this day. There were even rumors in the square, and she was about to become a king.

Of course, all this is afterward.

As soon as the Three Emperors left, Beilin also immediately left. Other buddies, but they are surrounded by Tang Jingyu and Gu Yuran. The lingering eyes of Gu Yanran, who was surrounded by people, kept an eye on the movements of Beilin. When he saw no greetings, he left, and his heart was faintly lost.

Tang Jingyu and the surrounding circles, the corner of the corner of the eye is always paying attention to Gu Yanran, once again seeing this small wave hoof will fall on Beilin, a heart of evil fire.

Tang Jingyu declined the invitation of other people and left with Gu Ruran.

Upon returning to the car, Tang Jingyu pressed her under her body, and her eyes burned with raging fire. "Are you looking at Beilin?"

Gu Ruran looked at him like a vinegar, and chuckled: "What are you talking about?"

She likes Beilin, but she will not admit it in front of Tang Jingyu.

Ps: I am really sorry today. The soul of the ink master is taken away by a few goblins.

In other words, the little cute questioned whether the ink master had seen the "Idol Trainee". At that time, the ink master was a slap in the face, not knowing what it was.

Then I asked a lot of people, and I went to see it with curiosity.

Mom, at first glance, the ink is falling.

After watching "Idol Trainee", Mo Ye felt that he was younger and turned into a group of eighteen flowers.

In other words, the name is Cai Xukun, looks handsome, but the most important thing is to pay attention to his body, as if the body exudes a strong hormonal atmosphere, really TMD hook.

If you want to update, I want to keep watching, keep watching. Oh, I have no idea what the code is. I want to read it...

Mom's egg, male color, too sinful.

(End of this chapter)

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