Chapter 1457 Real World 15

As soon as Bei Lin entered the house, he immediately recruited a confidant.

"General." Standing for the military ceremony, he stood respectfully.

"I have a thing for you to do. I have to do this secretly and I must not let the second person know."

When he saw this, he looked very dignified, and his heart already understood the importance of the matter. "The end will definitely keep the secret and not let the second person know."

"You help me to investigate a woman." Bei Lin Shen Sheng.

When Yan Liben heard the word of the woman, his look was slightly stunned.

“The Emperor’s family, Gu Jia’s daughter, Gu Ruran.”

He and his father are both away all the year round. There are only two mothers and sisters in Beijing. Many things they know are through intelligence. After the death of Yu Yu, his first reaction was impossible.

He did not believe that Yu Yu was sick and died. He secretly sent someone to investigate Tang Jingyu, and everything was normal.

All the evidence can prove that the rain is the death of the disease.

However, his heart is still unable to accept this reason. Today, I saw the interaction between Tang Jingyu and Gu Yuran, and the brain was a flash of light. If you can't find clues from Tang Jingyu's body, then you can investigate from Gu Ruran's body.

"She has a very close relationship with Tang Jingyu. You focus on investigating the relationship between the two of them, the more detailed the better." Bei Lin Shen Sheng told.

There are no impenetrable walls in the world, and there is no absolute secret.

Follow this line of Gu Ruran to see if Yu Yu is really sick. If the final conclusion is so, he will recognize it.

Standing in the original, I thought that the general was a girl, and I knew it was for the lady.

阎立本 knows the importance of things, and solemnly responds: "The end will be careful."

"Yeah. Go."

After Lieben left, Beilin put away the portrait on the table. The woman in the painting looks like a man, and he is like a three-and-four.

"If he bears you, he will give everything to his brother, and he will also seek justice for you." Beilin's eyes passed a touch of twilight.


Gu Ruran returned to Gu Jia at noon on the second day.

Gu family did not dare to ask her about her returning all night. The following little sisters and prostitutes also did not see what they did, and they did their own work.

Gu Ruran went back to the study, and a group of management was waiting outside early. After seeing things, after dealing with the things at hand, she thought of Gu Qing, and ice cream.

It’s been a long time in the past, and there is no news yet. This makes Gu Ruran very dissatisfied.

"Come." Gu Ruran shouted at the house.

Soon a prostitute hurriedly pushed the door into, "Miss."

"Apricot flower, you will send a letter to the hands of Gu Qing." Gu Ruran ordered.

Apricot took the letter and immediately turned around.


On a small town in the Great Zhou Dynasty, which is thousands of miles away, a pair of mother and son are carrying their backs to their homes. When I walked to the door, I saw Xu Auntie coming out next door.

"Big sister, big sister." Xu Auntie saw her and quickly stopped.

"Xu sister, what's the matter?" Bei Yuqi asked with a smile.

Xu Auntie asked mysteriously: "You should not know about Zhang Fuzi?"

"Isn't Zhang Fuzi ran?" Bei Yuyu said inexplicably.

Xu Auntie smiled mysteriously. "That is all about the old yellow calendar. I told you, Zhang Fuzi is dead."

Bei Yuyu pretended to look at her with surprise. "How is it dead?"

Ps: I can't help it, and my grandmother slept.

The male color can't resist sleepiness.

I didn't expect so many cute people like Cai Xukun. When I saw the first performance of his performance, it was quite shocking. The hook was like a hormone for walking.

Update it tomorrow morning to make up for the fall of Moye today.

Mom's egg, can't blame me, it's really a male color hook.

(End of this chapter)

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