Chapter 1470 stands, tyrant 7

After the evening work, a group of slaves dragged their tired bodies and walked toward the simple cell. I have always walked in front of 01 and 03, and rarely walked in the back.

They are slowly approaching the north rain.

The black girl saw that they were close, and wanted to pull the northern rain to move forward. Unfortunately, the supervisor was coming to this side, so she could not move.

01 close to them, one of them poked the back of the North Rain.

The north rains turned his head and looked at 01 behind him.

01 whisper: "When you have a rest at noon tomorrow, wait for us at the triangle. We have something to look for."

The north rain nodded.

01 See her acquaintance, and move forward with satisfaction.

After they walked away, the black girl lowered her voice and said, "What are they looking for?"

Northern rain is naturally the reason to know that they are looking for themselves.

When they were in the past, they were like this. In the original triangle, 01 and others directly buckled her, the two controlled her body, the other held her mouth, and 01 took a sharp stone and used it to cut her cheek. Let her completely disfigured.

After disfiguring, she completely lost the opportunity to leave the mine, and even became the saddest female slave.

Bei Yuyu knew what they were going to do, but could not tell her, "I don't know."

The black girl secretly guessed: "They must want you to leave food to them, it must be."

Northern Rain nodded and agreed.

"Rain, don't listen to them. If you have food, you can't eat enough. If you let them exploit a part of it, how can your body suffer?" The black girl looked worried. "I tell you, tomorrow you seem to be on the surface." Promise them, and after they have finished, they will finish eating things quickly."

"this is a good idea."

Between the two of them speaking, the place to hold them is here.

The brunette is no longer in the same room as her, and the two can only be separated.

At noon the next day, the black girl had been observing the 01 and other people, and they couldn’t help but sigh.

On the 36th, I went to the front of the north rain, and urged: "01 boss is already waiting for you in the front, you hurry past."

"Okay, I know." North rain 棠 棠.

The black girl saw that she was going to pass, and she grabbed her. "Do you really want to pass? I always feel that it is not a good thing."

"Since she has named it, if I don't go, they will definitely not give up."

"Then I will go with you." The black girl said as if she was dead.

Bei Yulu took a photo of his hand: "No. If anything, I will shout out loud."

"Then you have to be careful."

The black slave sent her away.

The triangle is an abandoned mine hole, and few people usually come here. There are five female slaves standing there today, waiting for someone to arrive. When they saw the northern rain, the first station stood up at 01, and the people behind them stood up.

The northern rain gaze swept over the five of them and finally fell on 01. "Is there anything?"

01 Brow wrinkled, apparently her cold attitude, she is very unhappy, but she did not attack, "There is something, naturally something is happening."

01 hand wave, the female slaves behind them have gone to the north rain.

One of them was close to her, and was directly thrown by the north rain, and fell to the ground. In addition, the female slave was stunned, and she was swearing at the gods. Bei Yuyu easily moved her to the ground.

Ps: fifth more... later updated.

(End of this chapter)

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