Chapter 1478 standing, tyrant 15

A Cai immediately picked up the words. "When it comes to dancing, I once said that a few years ago, Ling Wangjin offered a stunning beauty. The beauty is good at dancing. The dance that danced fascinated all ministers. Everyone thinks This stunning beauty is sure to be the first person to break the three-month curse. You guess what happened?"

"Hey, is this still worth guessing? It must be." Ayujiao smiled.

A Cai smiled and smiled. "She didn't break the curse for three months, but do you know how she died?"

The people around them were attracted by the words of Acai, and they all looked at her curiously, waiting for her to reveal the answer. She couldn't help but glance at the north rain, seeing the rain in the north and looking at her, the heart is called smug.

It will be really a bit curious to be really north rain.

"A Cai, it is faster to say." Someone urged.

A color mysterious smile, slowly said: "The dancer is not dancing well, the king let her jump all the time, he did not say stop, you can not stop."

Speaking of this, her voice is a meal.

Someone is anxious to hear the following, "And then?"

After she hangs on everyone's appetite, she continues to say: "Dancing Ji bite his teeth and insisted on jumping for two hours. Finally, his physical strength did not fall down. After falling down, do you guess how the king punishes her?"

"How to punish?" Ayu asked.

A Cai turned his head and looked at the north rain. "Rain, you guess, how did Wang punish her?"

The northern rain said calmly: "I am not a king, I can't guess his mind."

A Cai sees her saying that she feels boring and no longer asks. "The king did not kill her, but let people take her to rest. In the crowd, I thought that Wang was distressed by her and could not bear to kill her. After all, who dares Rebellious against him, did not do what he said, the end is only dead, and the beauty can actually live well, does not prove that the king is heart-warming to this stunning beauty."

"When everyone thinks so, Wang’s next move has greatly exceeded all expectations, and the result is unexpected. The next day, Wang summoned the beauty and made her public. The minister danced. Just this dance was to let the beautiful beauty stand on the red iron plate and dance naked and barefoot."

When everyone heard this, they took a sigh of relief.

"At the end, the beautiful legs of the beautiful woman were ruined, and they fell on the red iron plate, and they were burned to death."

After Acai finished, the silence was silent.

Several outstanding dancers suddenly burst into tears.

Once they are elected to the palace, they can imagine how their fate is.

"Oh, I don't want to go to the palace."


Everyone's dancers are not good at the face, but the North Rain is a person, and looks as usual.

A Cai sees her still, she can't help but ask: "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid." Bei Yu Yan said with a serious face.

Everyone else looked at her with a slap in the face, they did not see a trace of fear from her face.

"It will be one thing to be selected. Maybe I am lucky. I have not been selected. Even if I choose it, I can only accept it. Our life is never our own. Even if it is in the palace, it can be a day." It is expected that there will be a fearful death to death there every day. It is better to live a good life every day before death. This does not mean that I will come to the world."

(End of this chapter)

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