Chapter 1481 standing, tyrant 18

The female assassin was taken down, and the palace was soon cleaned by the palace ladies, and the beauty of them was checked as usual, but this time the inspection was more strict than before.

The northern rains were arranged in the beauty pavilion, and the women in the pavilion were the most beautiful women. The woman who came with her, unless the name was Gesangmei, the other two were assigned to other hospitals.

The North Rain and Gesang are arranged in the same wing. In such a large palace, it is a lucky thing to have a familiar person living together.

"Rain, what do you think that woman will be?" Gesang asked.

Everyone’s heart is full of sorrows, so I don’t want to know the end of the stinging woman.

"Dead." North rain faintly said a word.

In fact, death is the best choice for her. I am afraid that she will die if she wants to die.

She is too clear that there are many tortures in Fengguo, and many tortures make people feel better than death. Rao is a knowledgeable person in the north, and after seeing those tortures, the scalp is also numb.

"I have heard that many people want to enter the palace to assassinate the king every year, but for many years, Wang Shang is still alive and well. Look at those who are stabbing, not dead or even family members. This time The power of the beauty came over, it would be a big mold." Gesang, let's just say it, it seems that only this can dispel the horror in my heart.

Bei Yuyu listened quietly, Gesang said.

In the afternoon, a palace lady stood in the courtyard and shouted: "Come out, all out."

The beautiful people staying in the house have stepped out of the house and looked at her suspiciously. The palace lady saw it almost, and said to them: "All people come with me."

When they went out, they found that the beautiful people in the surrounding palaces all came out. Each face is a curious color, I don’t know what to ask them to go out.

When all the beautiful people gathered in front of the front door of the big palace, they saw a fierce cockroach standing there, standing around the guards. This posture, this scene makes the hearts of the beautiful people directly drum.

Gesang quietly asked: "Rain, you said they called us out what is it?"

"Kill the chicken and monkey." Bei Yuyu said four words calmly.

Gesang obviously didn't understand the meaning of the words, looked at her with a stern look, "What do you mean?"

"You will know later."

The gaze of standing on the high platform glanced at the beautiful women. She just swept her eyes, and the beautiful people who whispered at the bottom closed their mouths.

He told the guard, "Take her up."

The two guards dragged a **** woman to the stage and walked up to grab the woman's hair. The **** face entered the eyes of everyone.

Although her face was full of blood, she could still see that the woman was an assassin who was ready to enter the palace.

"This is a bad idea for the people to enter the palace. Today is to let everyone see, dare to have any dissidents on the king." With a wave of hand, a guard came forward and held a sharp knife in his hand.

The guard took the woman's mouth and the woman was free, and shouted in the hoarse voice: "You are willing to be a tyrant in the tyrant's rule..."

When she had no time to say it, she was pinched by the guards, a dislocation, and she was dislocated.

(End of this chapter)

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