Chapter 1500 standing, tyrant 37

Feng Chi waved his hand and Long Er sent an order to the guards below.

The guards will stand in front of the palace ladies and beautiful women, and the ladies and beautiful women who are pulled out of the team will be shivering.

Gesang lowered his voice and asked: "What is this for Wang?"

The north rain swayed and shook his head.

When the archers appeared in front of them, everyone widened their eyes.

Bei Yuyu knows what they are doing.

This is to force her out with the lives of these palaces and beautiful people.

In the north rain, I didn’t have time to think about how to crack this situation. I heard the dragon’s second order, “shoot.”

Countless arrows went to the palace and the beauty, and they screamed in horror, they wanted to escape, but how fast can escape the speed of the arrow.

I saw a person who fell in front of them and lived a life that just disappeared.

The whole person in Beiyu was kneeling there. She looked down at the people in the palace and the beauty in the pool. The hands clenched into fists unconsciously.

Gesang and others were so scared that they were bloodless.

Feng Chi supported the squat with one hand, and looked coldly at the beauty of the bird like the stunned bird. "Give you one more time, and come out. When the third time does not appear, everyone here will accompany you to bury."

Northern Rain has no doubt about the authenticity of his words. As long as she does not come out, the killing will not stop.


He is ready to shoot her!

Bei Yuyu seriously doubts the authenticity of the goodness provided by the system.

Feng Chi clearly wants her life.

Feng Chi raised his hand again, and the second round of shooting is about to begin.

All the ladies and beautiful women who were pushed to the front squatted on the ground, and they did not stop bowing to the man on the throne. They pleaded with enthusiasm, "Wang, forgive. Wang Shang, forgive."

Everyone is begging for mercy, and their petition does not make the man on the throne move.

Gesang was holding on to the hands of Bei Yuyu, and his eyes were full of horror, only because the next one was dead.

"Rain, I don't want to die."

Seeing that Long Er slowly raised his hand, Bei Yuyi took Gesang’s hand from his hand. Gesang was shocked and looked at her with amazement. He saw Beiyuyu coming out of the crowd.

She suddenly appeared, so that everyone's eyes were all focused on her.

"I am here." Bei Yuyu walked toward him step by step.

Gesang stared up and looked at her incredulously.

The phoenix on the throne stood up straight, staring blankly at the woman who walked toward him step by step. She is very beautiful, especially the eyes, bright as the most embarrassing stars in the sky.

It turned out that this is her true face.

Feng Chi noticed that her forehead was branded with a ‘slave’ and her eyes were slightly picked up.

It’s really interesting that a slave actually has such a high level of martial arts. If she does not affect her, he may leave her and train as a slain. Now, only destroy her.

He absolutely does not allow anything in this world that can affect him.

The northern rain 棠 clearly saw the undisguised killing in his eyes.

"Feng Chi, I am here." North Rain said coldly.

"Bold slaves, my king's name is what you call." The big **** around Feng Chi screamed.

The northern rain did not look at the eunuch, and the cold eyes looked at Feng Chi.

Feng Chi looked at her with interest and looked at the pair of clear eyes. Her lips smirked. "Is this king's food delicious?"

(End of this chapter)

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