Chapter 1524 standing, tyrant 61

However, when he heard the next sentence, someone's face was completely dark.

After a rhetoric in the north rain, the limelight turned. "This Jinshan Yinshan is rare, but it is easy to see, but you can't be seen by ordinary people. I am fortunate to see this time. It’s really a great luck in my life.”

A group of palace ladies and eunuchs around, listening to cold sweats, they were scared by her shocking words.

Is this North American crazy, or deliberately looking for death?

Feng Chi’s cold scorpion looked at her and saw her gleaming scorpion, which made him a rare thing. The look of the eagerness to try, full of full-color female image.

Feng Chi stood up and the index finger provoked her squat. "Let’s think about it, then let's go."

The north rains a glimpse, and the people around the palace are all a glimpse, watching Feng Chi in shock.

Feng Chi saw that she was still there, urging her to say: "What are you still standing there?"

The northern rains heard the words, and other **** ladies followed suit.

Out of the Lingxiao Temple, Bei Yuyu put away the cynical smile. "You really are not afraid of me?"

Feng Qi’s sharp nephew stared at her, and the look completely understood her and thought carefully. “You said.”

After a sigh of relief in the north, after a long while, he muttered: "Do you see it?"

This is the turn of Feng Chi, deliberately stupid, "What do you see?"

The northern rain slammed a blank eye.

She only deliberately said that, in order to take off the job of bathing, I did not expect him to see through her purpose at a glance, not fooled.

Both of them are smart people. You said a word, the surrounding ladies and eunuchs heard a confused, completely unable to understand what they were playing.

A group of people went to the palace of bathing. There was a pool with a length of several tens of feet in the large hall. The pool was milky white, and there was a faint scent in the air. The palace people have already prepared everything.

Feng Chi waited for a wave in the temple, and the ladies went away. In the twinkling of an eye, there were only Bei Yu and Feng Chi in the palace.

"Not too late."

Feng Chi Shen unfolded her arm and sat waiting for her to dress.

When the rain came forward, he began to pull out his clothes. Since he didn't worry about being seen, what could be said about Bei Yu. The outer shirt is taken off, the robes are pulled out, and the next is the middle blouse.

I don't know if the temperature in the bath room is too high, or other reasons.

Feng Chi only felt that the whole body was a little hot, especially when her fingers passed, as if there was a fire to find the burning. He squinted and looked at the beautiful face in front of him, and the scorpion became deeper and deeper.

As the hood fell off, Bei Yuyu saw the strong and sturdy bronze skin. On the strong raised chest, she saw a criss-crossed scar.

These scars look like old wounds and dense wounds. It’s terrifying to look at them.

Bei Yuyu knows where these wounds come from.

These wounds were traces of the torture of the kings of various countries when Feng Hongqi was the prisoner of his country. Once these wounds almost killed his life, fortunately God did not take him away.

This is also the reason why he slaughtered the royal family after he unified the countries.

The north rains look at these shocking wounds, and some scars are drawn straight from the shoulder to the abdomen, running through the chest. At that time, Feng Chi was only five years old, and how the executioners could be so arrogant.

Ps: A few later will come soon... Wait a moment, it’s really a little wait.

(End of this chapter)

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