Chapter 1531 standing, tyrant 68

"Ming, can we change the system?" North Rain couldn't help but ask.

【can. 】The voice is calm and returning.

[Host, you may encounter a rescue system if you die again. 】


The north rains silently not talking.

[The host's main line task and branch task have been completed, is it out of the plane world? 】

The reason of Bei Yu Yan tells himself that leaving here can have more time to do tasks and earn points. However, her feelings have the upper hand.


【it is good. In the fifteen years of the mission world, he will automatically disengage from the plane world after fifteen years. If the host encounters an accident in the middle, it will forcefully leave the plane and deduct 50 points. Host, do you want to choose to stay? 】

"Leave." North Rain 棠 did not think about returning.

【have fun. 】

After the choice of the Northern Rain, the whole person was relieved.

For fifteen years, she can only accompany him for fifteen years. Next time, she didn't know if she could still meet.

"Feng Chi, come with me."

The northern rains took the lead of Feng Chi and walked toward the northwest. After half an hour, the two stood in the imperial kitchen. Everyone in the imperial kitchen was informed that the king had come over and went out of the dining room and squatted on the ground.

"Long live my king, ten thousand years old." The sound of the neat and sleek sound was heard for a few miles.

"Get it."

The chefs stood up and stood on the sidelines with sincerity and fear, and they squinted one by one and did not dare to look at Feng Chi. They are afraid in their hearts, afraid to play drums. They don't know what the king is going to do.

As the general manager of the imperial kitchen, I can only go forward with a scalp, and respectfully ask, "I don't know what slaves can share for the rest?"

Bei Yuying looked at them and they were so scared that they couldn’t help but tremble. They smiled and said: "Don’t be nervous, we just came over today and just want to borrow your kitchen."

The general manager of the Imperial Diet House took a look at it, only to notice that there was a beautiful woman standing next to her.

His majesty's gas field is too strong, powerful enough to only notice his existence, completely ignoring the existence of others.

Feng Chi said: "Everything listens to her."

When the director of the Royal Diet House heard this, the heart was shocked.

I knew that Wang Shang was very fond of a beautiful beauty recently. Now I see it with my own eyes. It feels very shocking.


The boardmaster is smart and knows who is going to be.

"Beauty, please here."

The board of the royal dining room took the North Yu Yan to the kitchen. The entire imperial dining room was large, and there were half the size of the football field. Many dishes were prepared in the dining room. These dishes were prepared for them.

"What the beauty needs, slaves are called to get it. The beauty cooks in person, and the slave can help from the side."

Bei Yu Yan glanced at the existing materials on the table and said to him: "There is no intention to prepare, these things are enough. As for the help of the hand, hand it to your majesty."

The general manager of the board has a cold breath.

I dripped, this beauty has just been favored and dare to be so daring, it is really asking someone to pinch a cold sweat for her.

The master of the Imperial Diet House has already prepared for the wrath of the king. However, he heard that his armor had picked up his sleeve and walked to her side.

“Which dishes do you need to wash?” Feng Chi looked at her with a sigh of relief.

Bei Yuyu pointed a few dishes on the table. "This, this and all these have to be cleaned."

(End of this chapter)

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