Chapter 1555 Real World 19

If that day's business cannot be completely solved, I am afraid it will affect him for a lifetime.

Bei Yuying looked at his silent tears and looked at the blame and embarrassment on his face. It was very distressing, but the face was still cold and cold.

"You can know that you were impulsive on the day, almost killed the mother's life, and Zhang Shu died."

These two days are precisely because of this matter, so that he has been depressed, the whole person is no longer the look of the past.

At this point, I heard that the mother-in-law was so reprimanded, and the little boy inked his lips and refused to cry. Because the mother said, only the weak will keep tears.

Even if his eyes were blurred, even if there was tears in his eyes, the kid ink did not cry.

"Mother, I am wrong." Kid ink lowered his head.

"I told you that when you encounter anything, you should calm down. If you lose your mind, don't say that you can turn the tide, even you will get in. If you encounter anything in the future, you should judge the situation, weigh the pros and cons, and find the most suitable opportunity. Shoot again, instead of rushing up,"

Xiaozi ink listened carefully.

"If you encounter such a thing in the future, will you still want to save the mother and rush to the enemy, and give the enemy a chance to take it?" Bei Yu asked sharply.

There is a blank in the head of the kid's ink, and he tells him rationally that he can't commit another crime. However, the feelings will still make the same move.

The northern rain licks the look of the little guy and knows what he thinks.

Bei Yuxi understands that this kind of thing is simple to say. If it is really encountered, there are several people who can keep calm and watch the people who care most about them get into trouble and remain indifferent.

The future of Xiaozi Mo is still very long. She will use this to let him understand a truth. Even if the process is cruel, she must let him know.

Anyone who becomes a major event must remain calm whenever he is.

Bei Yuyu asked again: "Answer me."

Xiaozi ink raised his head and looked at her with tears. "Mother, I, I, I don't know."

Bei Yuyu knows that he has gotten into the corner of the horn and wants to pull him out. It seems that he has to do something different.

"Mother and you tell a story. Once there was a peerless master who met the enemy and pursued it. At that time, he stayed with his wife. When he discovered the clues, he made the first judgment and let his wife leave. Her wife, who chooses to advance and retreat with him, is unwilling to leave him, let him fight alone and alone. How do you guess the final result?"

Xiaozi ink does not understand how the mother suddenly talked about the story, but this story easily evokes his curiosity.

Bei Yuyu did not let him answer. He said: "In the end, the peerless master died in his forty knife to protect his wife, and his wife should be spared, but she also followed her. I died in the pursuit."

"The world is praising the wife of the peerless master, and they are lamenting the affection of both husband and wife. However, I don't think so. Instead, I feel that his wife has killed him."

The little boy inked, and the tears in his eyes suddenly stopped and looked at her in surprise.

I don't understand why the mother kissed her like this. Not only was Xiaozi ink suspicious, but she even looked at her in the dark night hiding in the dark.

"Why?" asked the child.

(End of this chapter)

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