Chapter 1557 Real World 21

The injury to the northern rain has not yet healed, as is the dark night. It can be said that their team is a group of disabled people. Compared with each other's strong horses, you can't afford conflicts, and it's best not to conflict.

The two killers stepped forward and seemed to be smelling something.

One of them stood in front of the dark night and screamed: "Look up."

The night slowly raised her head. When the ordinary middle-aged uncle's face was exposed, the other brows wrinkled and quickly turned and walked toward the carriage behind him.

They opened the curtains and saw that there were one big and one small two women in the carriage. The faces on both faces were the same, and they looked down at them with fear.

When I look at them, I feel boring. When I turn around and look at the rain, this ugly woman is still calm, but it is not difficult to see her nervous fear.

Bei Yu Yan handed a bag of silver, "Give everyone a drink and drink tea."

After one of the killers took over, they didn't look at it.

When the two of them returned, they saw two people talking to the leader, and the intercepted people let go.

Bei Yuyu thanked them again and again.

The carriage passed by their eyes, and when they went far, the thief who dressed up as a killer continued to intercept the following vehicles. From the line they have mastered, they will definitely pass through here.

However, they intercepted for a few days and never saw suspicious people, which really made them depressed.

"The leader, will they change the route? Or, is the night separated from the mother and son?" One of the men opened the door.

The killer has a slight sigh, "Can the second team have news?"


"Await another day, no more news, evacuation."


The next journey was always safe, and they arrived at Linzhou House safely. When I arrived at the land of Linzhou, I could say that I was completely rid of the group of killers.

On the outskirts of Linzhou Prefecture, the carriage stopped in the dark. Bei Yuyu knew that he was leaving. He could leave early on this road, but no, he sent them safely to Linzhou today.

"They will solve it." The dark night said solemnly to the north rain.

Bei Yuyu understood what he meant, and he would solve those killers so that they would not be their threat.

North Rain nodded and said to her: "Keep it."

The night glanced at her deeply, turned and left, and the blink of an eye did not see his figure.

The kid ink went out of the car, "Mother."

After the boy’s body, Muxiang heard the little Miss’s call to Ms. Sister’s mother, her eyes were horrified, and even more shocking to her was that the voice of Miss Xiao’s mouth became abnormal, and it was actually the voice of the young boy.

Musk is on the spot.

Bei Yuyu turned his head and looked at the frightened musk. He said with a smile: "The musk, there are special circumstances on the road, will always hide you."

Bei Yuyu took out the long-awaited sale deed from his arms and handed it to Muxiang.

Muxiang looked at her inexplicably, "Mu sister, are you?"

"This is a deed, I will give it to you. I will give you some extra worries and let you go home."

Muxiang looked at the sales deed in her hand and listened to her words. She had not spoken for a long time.

North Rain sees her lying there, "What's wrong? You don't want to?"

Suddenly, the musk smashed down, and the voice was a little swallowed. "Mu sister, don't drive me away."

(End of this chapter)

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