Chapter 1567 Hand-tear Stallion Male 4

Bei Yu Yan stood in front of the floor mirror and looked at the woman in the mirror. Her skin is fair and beautiful, and if she doesn't look at her face, it is a stunner. As for the face, the facial features are not outstanding, it can only be regarded as a delicate show.

In the world of the plane she entered, it was the worst one in appearance, but it was ugly, but it was not too good.

The woman who was not good at the time, the temperament of her body has quietly changed.

The northern rain rushed out of the room, and there was no popularity in the big villa. In the wealthy family, this situation is too normal, and this is a common practice in the north.

What she is going to do now is to undermine Chen Fei’s chance.

Beiyuyu drove directly to the largest gambling stone market in Kunming, where many jade raw materials were sent to the market every day, and then sold by a variety of people who came to Taobao.

Of course, the jade market that Beiyuyu wants to travel to is not an ordinary jade market, but a jade field dedicated to entertaining jade merchants and rich children. There are a lot of jade here, and the quality is also several times better than the jade in the shops outside.

The jade in the jade market shops were all picked up by the jade factory before they entered the major shops.

When Bei Yuyu entered the jade factory, the security guard at the door saw the invitation in her hand and immediately released it.

After she entered the factory, many people noticed her, and many of them were surprised by her appearance.

"This is not a small niece in the North. How come you have time today?" A middle-aged man walked up and said hello.

Bei Yuchen recognized this person, and some uncles who had business dealings with the North, "Zhang Bobo is good."

Many uncles and uncles who had a good relationship with the North came forward, and Bei Yuyu talked with them politely.

Many people in the distance saw this and they whispered.

"How can the big lady of the North family come to this place?" Someone whispered.

"Who knows."

"I see that 80% is for the trouble of looking for Lin Biaoer." The man's tone was accompanied by a playfulness.

"I heard that Lin Yuer will come over later."

"That's right."

After the rain, the uncles and uncles greeted them, and left alone.

For the discussion of the people around, Bei Yuying heard clearly.

The former master of the previous world came here with the stimulation of Lin Biaoer, as usual and Lin Biao’s bar. Lin Yier knew about Chen Fei's means, and he had a pit in the north rain, so that Beiyuyu bought tens of millions of jade and finally cut out a pile of waste.

With the help of Chen Feiqi, Lin Biaoer cut out the finest jade.

The original owner can be said to have lost both a face and a lot of money.

Lin Biaoer not only won the fame, but also smashed the original owner.

As for now, the goal of Bei Yu Yan is not Lin Yier, but Chen Feiqi.

Beiyuyu looked around the vast factory building, which was filled with large and small jade. Some of these jade are as high as a few feet, some of which are bulky and placed like a hill.

There are many jade stones of different sizes around them. All of these jade stones are all like wool. If you don't cut them, you don't know if they are jade or stone.

Like other people, Beiyuyu walks back and forth in piles of jade wool, look at this and touch it. Looking around, people around the world are using a variety of tools to view the original stone. The northern rain squatted around for a week, and the eyes fixed.

(End of this chapter)

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