Chapter 1585 Shredded Stallion Male 22

In fact, the most appropriate way is to destroy it, but this ring seems to be somewhat hard. No matter how she falls, how to swear, there is no shortage of points.

Since the ring can't be used for her, it can only be buried.

The northern rain shovel took a small shovel, went to the back garden, selected one of the trees, and then began to dig. After digging deep enough, he threw the ring into the pit and buried it with soil.

At the same time, Chen Feiqi also got a fake ring. He decided to start the night, the sooner he got the ring, the better. To know all his property, you can put it all in the space ring.

In the evening, a figure sneaked into the North Villa. Chen Feizhen could not help but rejoice that he had practiced the martial arts cheats in the space, otherwise he could not enter so smoothly today.

He used the rope to go up to the second floor. After hooking it, he began to climb up. After successfully entering the second floor, he used a special tool to cut a hole in the glass window, just enough to reach into the hand and open the window easily.

Chen Feiyu entered the house and began to pick up the second floor of the villa. After a few minutes, he finally found the room in Beiyuyu. After quietly entering the house, I went straight to the dressing table.

Carefully rummaging through it, the ring was not seen in the upper and lower cabinets.

Damn, where is this woman placing the ring?

Will not be lost?

This is what Chen Feizhen is most afraid of.

When he looked up, his gaze was attracted by a certain place. I saw a corner in the corner of the dresser, quietly lying on a simple ring.

Seeing that his ring as a treasure is so freely discarded in the corner, Chen Feizhen is very distressed, but also the darkness of the northern rain, the eyes are not aware of Mount Tai.

However, think about it.

She had taken the ring away from her death, and the purpose was to make them difficult, and naturally they could not see it.

Chen Feiyu put the ring on.

He glanced at the north rain squatting in bed, trying to fix her meal, and finally pressed it.

This place should not be left, Chen Feiqi turned and left.

When Chen Feiyu left, the person who was sleeping in bed, sat up and looked at the open window, his lips slightly raised.

When Chen Feiyi returned home, he couldn't wait to enter the space, but no matter how he experimented, he could not enter the space.

what's the problem?

Chen Fei was shocked. If he can't enter the space, then the best jade he placed in the space can't be taken out. This is not the point. The focus is on the spiritual springs that nourish the body in the space, and the three ancient books can no longer be watched.

This is his biggest loss.

Chen Feizhen did not believe in evil, but began to drop blood, but this time the blood dripped on it, the ring reacted at the root.

Next, he tried everything and still had no results.

Chen Feiqi looked at the ring in front of him, the ring was still the ring, and even the weight in his hand was not bad.

What went wrong?

Is it that the number of times to enter the space is limited, or is this space opened again at intervals?

Chen Feizhen thought of a lot of possibilities, so I didn't think that the ring had been stolen from the dragon.

Because of the inability to enter the space, Chen Fei’s mood became very bad. In addition to this reason, there is pressure from the company. Because of the lack of fine jade in the space, he must add it.

Chen Feiqi began to sneak into the major jade factories and began to search for jade.

(End of this chapter)

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