Chapter 1595 shredded stallion male 32

I went and actually used a large firepower.

Bei Yuyu knew that this was not very flat, but it was like this when she came up. It really surprised her. Fortunately, she reacted quickly, otherwise she was smashed into slag.

When I jumped out of the car in the north rain, I heard a Thai-Burmese language, and then countless bullets came in the direction of her.

The north rains want to go backwards and notice the dust rising from the front.

The explosion just started, and the other party drove over, which shows that the people behind are a group. There are wolves in front and tigers in the back. The northern rain can only choose to escape from the other side.

Soon she entered the jungle, and she used the cover of the trees to start running away.

The person who chased her behind her was obviously familiar with the jungle and soon caught up.


From behind, the gunshots sounded from time to time, and the bullets hit the trees behind her or the side of the body from time to time. The north rains have been running in different directions, trying to catch up behind them.

An hour later, the whole person in Beiyu was like coming out of the water, and the sweat soaked all her clothes.

She relied on the back of a huge century-old tree, watching her eyes vigilantly.

I have to say, fortunately, the first thing that goes into the plane every time is to exercise and practice the cold palm, which is really good. If you have not laid the foundation in the past few months, you can't afford such a high-load escape today.

The north rain squats against the big tree and keeps breathing.

She glanced behind her and she didn't hear the sound. She is not sure if they will withdraw. In order to be careful, the North Rain will still not dare to relax.

She continued to walk deep into the forest.

Now she has no idea where she is going, and she does not know where she is, how far away she is from the village of human activities. Beiyuyu found a place, based on the speed of his escape, and the direction of the sun, Beiyu estimated his specific position in the bottom of his heart.

The conclusion drawn by Bei Yuyu is very bad. She seems to be in the zone of drug abuse.

It is impossible to withdraw the original road. It seems that I can only find another place to leave.

The northern rain begins to follow the direction of the river and take another route.

However, Bei Yuying found herself to be too optimistic. From the daytime to the evening, she did not walk out of the forest.

At the same time, they have been crouching in the shadows of the darkness. When they saw the northern rains entering their territory, they discovered them for the first time.

"Boss, the mouse is out. Over."

"Weird, the other person seems to have only one person, or a young woman, over."

"Continue to observe." There was a cold voice in the intercom.

"Yes, over."

After entering the woodland, Beiyuyu always felt that he was being stared, and his eyes kept peeking back and forth.

Someone lurking in the grass looked at Bei Yuyu with astonishment. "Boss, the other party seems to have noticed us, over."

"Continue to observe."


The feeling of being stared at is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems more than one. The northern rains were keenly aware, and they glanced around and finally saw the lurking people on the left hand side, the right hand side, and the treetops.

When the northern rain sees such a situation, the heart screams badly.

Her face was calmed down, as if she had not found anything wrong, and went in the other direction. The whole person’s spirit was tight, and she always watched the secretly lurking people, fearing that they would suddenly launch an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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