Chapter 1627 shredded stallion male 64

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Qian Yu looked at the people on his side in a frightened way, glaring at the tattoos on them, and it was not a good person at first glance.

"Shut up."

Although Qian Yu couldn't understand it, he understood the meaning from the expression on their faces.

He closed his mouth and stopped talking.

An hour later, the car was parked in an abandoned yard. A few people took Qian Yu out of the car and entered the yard, and saw the black snake of the group's head at a glance.

The black snake and Qian Yu were opposite each other. Qian Yu’s eyes narrowed and he looked at him with surprise.

"Black snake, how is you."

The black snake was also surprised by the look. Immediately, his face was very ugly. He yelled at the people: "Idiot, you caught the wrong person."

The little brothers were so aggressive that the clothes were not Chen Fei’s.

After they saw the clothes in the dark, they immediately grabbed the people and did not think of the clothes.

After Qian Yu knew that it was a black snake, his heart relaxed a little. "Black snake, since you caught the wrong person, can you let me go?"

The black snake smiled. "I am afraid this is not possible."

Qian Yu frowned.

"If you are here, then help us do one thing. After the end of this matter, I will naturally let you go." The black snake said with a smile.

"What?" Qian Yu has a bad feeling.

"Take Chen Feiyu."

"What are you looking for?" Qian Yu was puzzled and looked at the black snake. It seemed to be very malicious to Chen Fei.

"You don't have to worry about this. You are the son of the mayor of the money, we will not move you for the time being, but if you don't know what to do, then don't blame me for being mad." The black snake threatened.

Qian Yu knows the power of the black snake. He definitely said it. He didn't dare to make a joke about his own life. He only nodded.

The black snake took his cell phone and sent a text message to Chen Feiqi, and the phone soon sounded.

"Tell him, let him come to the dock to meet you, come alone, or you will take the corpse for you." The black snake told him to give him the phone.

When Qian Yu was kneeling down, Chen Fei’s eager voice came from the end of the phone. “Ayu, where are you?”

"I am at the dock now, can you come over and you are alone?"

"Are you threatened by people?" Chen Feiqi asked.

Qian Yu glanced at the black snake. "Remember that you come to the dock, or I will be in danger."

Once finished, the black snake grabbed the phone and hung up the phone.

Chen Feizhen immediately thought of it, the other party is targeting himself. Since it is against him, he is even less likely to go. He sent other people to the past and he was not in danger.

An hour later, when the black snake waiting for the news heard that Chen Feiqi had not passed, his face suddenly sank.

Qian Yu did not believe that Chen Feiqi actually ignored his own life and death.

The black snake was sullen and looked at Qian Yu with a bad look. "It seems that he did not regard you as a brother, regardless of your life and death. But also, after you die, he can just swallow your friends." the company."

"Impossible, are you mistaken?" Qian Yu did not believe.

The black snake sneered, "What do you think?"

When Qian Yu saw the video from the young black snake, he completely died.

Chen Feizhen, Chen Feizhen, lost him as a brother, but this guy actually did this to him.

"Since you have not used the value, it is useless to keep you." The black snake gave a look to the younger brother below, and the younger brother below stood immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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