Chapter 1632 Hand-tearing stallion male 69

Qian Yu only guessed that he had a perspective, and when he really saw it, his heart was already shocked.

He really has a special function.

The black snake was overjoyed and looked at Chen Fei's eyes all with light. This is a mobile treasure house, and he is not allowed to choose him in jade.

When the black snake thought of controlling him, he could bring endless wealth to himself, and the whole excitement.

"Okay, very good." The black snake was overjoyed. He walked over to Chen Feizhen and looked at him with satisfaction. "From today, you are the one who helped us with the black snake."

Chen Feiqi knows his purpose. "Black snake, I want me to do things for you, but I can, but I have a condition."

The black snake is in a good mood. "What conditions?"

"Kill him." Chen Feiyan pointed to Qian Yu.

Qian Yuton was shocked and looked at the black snake in fear. He was afraid that the black snake would listen to him and kill him.

"Black snake brother, we are also acquaintances. This time you can catch it is also my credit." Qian Yu really afraid, afraid that he would follow Chen Feiqi.

The black snake smiled and looked at Qian Yu and looked at Chen Feiqi. He smiled and said: "I am afraid this is not possible. Qian Gongzi, but my black snake friend."

When Qian Yu heard his words, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Chen Fei’s twilight sinks and he said: “If you even ask for this, you will kill me, and I will not use it for you.”

Chen Feizhen is under the sorrow, and he wants to put Qian Yu to death.

Qian Yu angered: "Chen Fei, you crazy, you are going to die, don't pull me."

The black snake looked at them with great interest, and finally looked at Qian Yu. "Qian Gongzi, I seem to be sorry for you."

In his view, between them, Chen Feiqi has more value.

Although he preferred Chen Feiqi, he was disgusted with Chen Feiqi’s threat to himself.

The black snake waved his hand and the two went forward. Qian Yu suddenly panicked and pushed one of them away. He ran wildly toward the warehouse, but he did not run a few steps. He was immediately arrested and beaten. .

"He handed it over to you. Take a rest and leave the country of H tomorrow." The black snake commanded it.

Several people took Chen Fei to go down to watch, and several others dragged the dying Qian Yu away from the warehouse.


A loud bang sounded loudly in the tropical rain forest of country A, and people who had been waiting outside were hearing the sound of the bombing, and their faces changed a lot.

Si Chen made the decision as soon as possible, "Retreat."

When the other players retreated, the dust fell in the direction of the explosion.

"Boss, I will go with you." The fifth child saw the action of the company, and immediately said.

Others have also said that they want to go together.

"With something, leave immediately." Secretary Wen's cold voice.


"Go. Don't let me say the second time." The word of the dust changed, and the other players looked at the direction of the explosion and turned away.

The spirit of the dust quickly shuttled through the lush jungle, avoiding the people from the base, and when they saw them heading in one direction, they quietly followed behind them, and from time to time they would hang at the very end. Get rid of it.

Soon I saw the third child who was constantly chased by the front. Shi Chen took out a grenade from his pocket and took advantage of those who did not pay attention and lost people.

"There is a grenade." Someone screamed.

Those people want to spread, but their movements are far less fast than the grenade bombing. They only hear the bang, and countless people are blown up.

(End of this chapter)

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