Chapter 1672 destroyed the life 4

Bei Yuyu took a deep breath and pressed the hatred in his heart. The tone calmly asked: "What is the wish of the original Lord?"

As her voice fell, a ghost floated in front of her, the woman wore a long white dress, and her long black hair was scattered on her shoulders. It was a quiet and beautiful girl.

"What is your wish?" Bei Yuqi looked at the girl in front of him and asked softly.

The girl looked at her calmly and said slowly: "I don't need them to die, I want them to die." Qian Zhenhao and Wen Meiyun are not conniving, so let them taste The pain of my own son’s knife."

"I understand."

The shadows in front of them disappeared and everything returned to calm.

The north rains look at the ceiling above the head, this is the original master's room.

The room in this room is different from the room she used to live in, not as refined and so warm in Linhai.


The door knocked, and the gentle voice of the North Mother came from outside the door. "Hey, wake up?"

"Yeah." North rain 棠 棠.

North mother opened the door, before entering the house, put away the worry and sadness in her eyes, smiled and entered the room with breakfast.

"Hey, have breakfast." North mother put breakfast on the bed.

Bei Yu Yan looked at the North Mother, watching her face appear to be calm and calm, and there was some pain in her heart. Her mind couldn't help but think of it. The mother died in the money house. She never forgot her anger and unwillingness in her eyes.

"Mom, I don't have to bring breakfast in, I will go out to eat myself." Bei Yuyu said.

The North Mother was stunned, her eyes were shining, and her face was filled with a happy smile.

Since they moved from Linhai to Hangzhou, Beiyuyu is not willing to come out of the house, and is even more reluctant to see people. The doctor told them that the child had mild depression.

This makes them very worried, worried that if the child can not get out of this hurdle, depression will increase, and thus make a dangerous move.

"Okay, Mom won't send it tomorrow."

The northern rain fell off the bed, took the breakfast, and went out.

When the North Mother watched her out of the house, her eyes were red.

Why did God want to torture her daughter so much?

When she saw her, she didn't keep up, stopped and turned her head. "Mom, go."

"Yeah." North mother erased the tears in her eyes and walked out of the room.

The North Father is no longer in the family. There are only the North Mother and the North Rain. The North Father is a small business and a well-off family. When they first arrived in Hangzhou, they would be busy with doing business.

Although the face of Bei Yu Yan has been well-dressed, it is not as good as the previous nature.

This is one of the original master's knots.

In order to avoid the harassment of Qian Minghao, Beijia has moved from Linhai to Hangzhou and began to live again. According to the information she saw in the information, Qian Minghao’s scum was once again looking for the northern rain. It should be a year and a half later.

In the past year and a half, there was a lot of work to do in Beiyu.

First of all, to solve the living conditions of the North.

According to the information she had, Beibei talked about a few small businesses in Hangzhou, but it was quickly mixed up. These things seem coincidental, but after a few years, Bei Yuxi learned from Qian Minghao's mouth that his father was stalking.

Because there is no business, the North has no income, and they have been spending the savings they had previously saved. In the past few years, half of their savings have been spent on the plastic surgery of the North Rain, and there is not much left.

(End of this chapter)

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