Chapter 1677, Destroyed Life 9

In the insistence of Beimu and Beiyu, I finally went to the hospital to deal with the wound.

In the middle of the night, after the rain on the computer, the road to the bathroom went to the master bedroom, and the voice of the North Father’s mother came from the door.

"Don't go to the hospital for such a small injury in the future." North Father whispered.

The mother knew about the situation at home. During this time, her husband did not talk about a business. Instead, because of the various expenses of manpower and material resources, the assets of the family grew negatively.

"I know, I will save some flowers at home."

The reason why the husband is not willing to go to the hospital is that the mother is naturally aware.

"Do not let 棠棠 know this thing, save the child from thinking." North Father did not rest assured.

"This thing doesn't need you to say, I know."

Bei Yu Yan stood outside the door for a while, then slowly walked back to the house.

The next morning, after the North Father had finished breakfast, he was shouted by the rain.

"Dad, wait a moment. I have one thing for you."

The North Father really waited for her gift, even the North Mother in the kitchen was very curious about what gift her daughter had prepared for her husband.

After a short time, Bei Yuyu took the suitcase yesterday.

The North Father looked suspiciously at the box.

"This is for you." Bei Yuyu handed the suitcase to him.

The North Father smiled and said: "This box is not used by Dad, but I still use it for myself."

A glimpse of the north rain!

Hey, the North Father thought she gave him a box for him.

North mother came out of the kitchen and just saw this scene. She smiled and asked, "Hey, how do you suddenly send the box to your father."

Oh, another misunderstanding.

Bei Yuyi feels that he is giving this to them. If you don’t make it clear, I am afraid that the money in the box will not know when to see the sky again.

"The gift is in the box."

The North Father and the North Mother looked at each other and the tacit understanding revealed a smile.

The North Father opened the box. When the box opened, the North Father and the North Mother couldn't catch up. They were shocked by the stack of hundred dollar bills.

Bei Yuyi thought they would be very happy, but the real situation is like this.

The North Father and the North Mother asked nervously: "Hey, where did you come from?"

"You must never do anything stupid."

Bei Yuyu listened to the words of their second old, some laughed and laughed, but more felt a warm warmth.

"Parents, you can rest assured. These money are all earned by myself."

"What have you done, you can make so much money." North mother obviously does not believe her words.

Bei Yu Yan turned to look at the North Father, "Dad, you can remember six months ago, I asked you to take 30,000 yuan."

The North Father naturally remembers, "Remember."

"I just used that 30,000 yuan to give birth to the money."

The North Father responded quickly. "Are you going to stocks?"

The north rain nodded.

The North Father couldn’t believe that his daughter was so powerful that it took half a year to double the 30,000 yuan, which is really amazing.

North Rain is afraid that they will not accept it. It is straightforward. "I know that my father's business is not very smooth during this time. Whether it is at home or in the company, money is needed. Although it is not much, it can last for a while."

Although Bei Yuyu said so, the North Father still chose to refuse.

"The money is held by you. Dad, you don't have to worry about it here. The money at home is enough. You continue to invest in this money, which is more valuable than your father."

Have you seen the little cute question, is there such a thing in the world?

Moye just wants to say that it is true.

This plane is a fusion of several real stories.

The first story: the second generation of courtship is not a splash of oil, burning a female classmate is a story.

The second story: A little punk looks at a female classmate, pleading for love, pouring sulfuric acid, causing female classmates to disfigure. Fortunately, the female classmates have a little money at home and have a facelift. And the mix is ​​in prison.

A few years later, the mix was released, and she found a female classmate. She said to her anger: "You ruined my life."

In order to avenge the female classmates, the gangsters found a few hooligans and raped the female classmates together, causing the female classmates to fall off and ruined him for a lifetime.

The mix was once again in jail.

The female classmates immigrated abroad in order to avoid him. A few years later, the gangsters came out and tried to find their phone abroad, threatening them, he would not let them go.

The third story: This story, the ink master does not say, too famous, the other side's background is too big.

A few stories are combined, and some adaptations of the ink master are the world of the plane you see.

Society is good and bad.

We are not harmful, but we must also protect ourselves from harm.

In fact, many of the story stories written by Mo Ye are based on real stories.

Some little cute people will feel dark. In fact, Mo Ye just wants you to know more, so as to avoid some harm.

Ink here is sincerely hopeful that all the little cute, do not encounter the things in the plane of the ink.

(End of this chapter)

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