Chapter 1687 Destroyed Life 19

When the Secretary saw the phone, he said, "Is it all done?"

"That, that, paying the Secretary, we have not been able to retain them. The other party brought a lawyer, and found a person's card and physical evidence, we can't keep people." The director touched the cold sweat report.

The director’s brow wrinkled. “It’s not good to do anything.”

The director smiled bitterly. "It’s really the other side’s coming, and the preparation is very full. We have no reason to detain people.”

The Secretary is too lazy to listen to his complaints. "Okay, I know."

The director looked at the hanging phone and showed a bitter smile on his lips.

What is this called?

Fu Secretary held the mobile phone and thought about it. Finally, he dialed the number of Qian Minghao, and the other party did not pick it up for a long time.

He dialed two calls in a row, and no one answered the call, so he no longer dialed.

At this time, Qian Minghao has already left the hospital, playing a girl in the entertainment club, and he is too busy.

On the other hand, the North Father and the North Mother were waiting at home. They were really not at ease. When they arrived in a hurry, they just saw the rain coming from the police station.

"Parents, how come you are here?"

"Is this not to worry about you."

The old couple had originally listened to the rain, and waited at home, but when they were not at ease, they rushed over.

"I said it, I will be fine." North Rain stopped the old arm.

"These two are?" North Father looked at Dian Wei and the lawyer.

Bei Yuxi introduced: "This is a friend I know, this is the lawyer he invited. This is also thanks to them."

The North Father’s enthusiasm came forward. “Thank you two. It’s so embarrassing to ask you to come over and help out on such a big night.”

"Uncle, aunt, you are polite. I am a friend with Yu Yu, it is appropriate to help each other." Dian Wei said with a smile.

After being separated from Dian Wei, the Beiyuyu family returned home.

In the middle of the night, Qian Minghao, who was drunk, walked out of the entertainment club step by step. When he was preparing to drive the door, suddenly, a group of people burst out from the darkness, a linen bag was placed on his head, and he was dragged into the back alley. .

A group of people punched and kicked him and stunned him directly.

The sanitation workers who were garbage collected the next day found it and sent it to the hospital.

When Qian Minghao woke up from the hospital and found himself wrapped in a scorpion, the whole person was mad.

Who is it, which **** dares to beat him.

Qian Minghao wanted to find a mobile phone and didn't see it everywhere. At this time, just as a nurse walked into the ward, Qian Minghao looked at her with fierce eyes and roared: "Mobile phone, take my mobile phone."

The nurse was shocked by him. Seeing this person's attitude was so bad, his face sank. "This gentleman, when you were sent to the hospital, there was nothing. My mobile phone can lend you a call, you hurry. Inform your family to pay for your medical bill."

Qian Minghao hated the younger nurse who took the phone. He wanted to call Qian Zhenhao's phone, but when he thought he would be taken away, he immediately changed his mind.

"Which?" The voice came from the end of the phone.

"It's me." Qian Minghao said in a bad mood.

A look at the opposite of the bright, a little surprised look at the phone number, "Qian Ge, you change the number?"

"Idiot, what to change the number, this is someone else's mobile phone. I am now at the central hospital in Hangzhou, you have to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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