Chapter 1692 destroyed the life 24

North home

The north rain 棠 just came out of the bathroom, just happened to meet the early North Mother.

North mother looked at her tired state and asked with concern: "Hey, is the body still uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, just don't have a good rest, just take a break."

North mother frowned. "No, let's go to the hospital and see."

North Rain 阻止 immediately stopped: "Don't, don't, don't, I'm really fine, just don't have a good rest. Just sleep for a day and there is nothing."

The North Mother did not agree. "You did this yesterday, but you are not going to see you. You should not be afraid to go to the hospital and go to the hospital."

The northern rains are not the northern mother. After eating the breakfast, they went to the hospital in the hen's escort.

“Where are you uncomfortable?” The doctor stared at her through the glasses.

The inner world of Beiyuyu is hard-pressed. "I have nothing to do, just no rest."

The North Mother immediately said: "Don't listen to what the doctor said, you can help me see the prostitute, is it wrong? The nerves in these days are not very good. She still wants to sleep."

The doctor first looked at her otolaryngology, then examined the body with the earpiece, and finally eagerly looked at the North Mother. "This mother, I can understand your mood, but your daughter's situation..."

"What is the situation?" North mother hurriedly interrupted his words. It was the serious appearance of the other party that scared her. "Is it a very serious illness?"

The doctor crossed a row of black lines in front of him.

"This lady, you listen to me and finish talking."

"Well, doctor, you said."

"Your daughter is just not getting enough sleep, and there is nothing wrong with the rest."

North mother is dumbfounded, some do not believe, "Doctor, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

"OK, it's true."

North mother looked at the north rain, looking at her squinting and yawning.

Bei Yuyi saw her eyes and immediately began to feel the spirit.

The North Mother can be seen, this child really did not rest well. However, she has been resting at home for two days, and she can't rest well.

The north rain rushed to the north mother and smiled.

My mom, I am really too sleepy.

Beimu and Beiyuyu left, and went to the corridor. The north mother couldn’t help but ask: "Hey, is your body really uncomfortable?"

"No." Bei Yuyu nodded very positively.

At this moment, the pace at the foot of the North Mother suddenly stopped.

Bei Yuyu noticed the strangeness of the North Mother, looking at her sight, and saw Qian Minghao slamming in the crowd at a glance.

"How could he be here." North mother was full of disgusted look at the man.

The North Mother took the North Rain over her body and whispered, "Oh, let's go there. Don't let the scum see you."

Bei Yuyu knows his mother's concerns, and Qian Minghao is a stab for his heart.

"it is good."

When they turned around and went in the other direction, Qian Minghao opposite them saw their backs.

His eyes could not help but pick up, and the back was familiar.

Wait, she is not the little monk in the north rain.

Qian Minghao saw them go over there, greeted the bright light and blocked them in another direction.

When Qian Minghao came downstairs, he just saw the mother and daughter of Bei Yu.

"Hey, who is this?" Qian Minghao stopped their way.

When the North Mother saw them, her face became very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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