Chapter 1703, Destroyed Life 35

Bei Yuyu put the documents on the board and euphemistically reminded: "The period of our warehouse rental is due tonight at 12 o'clock. Manager Wang has to work hard to move the goods out. Oh, I forgot, you are anxious. With this shipment, it goes without saying that it will move away today."

Manager Wang has not seen anything until now, but it has been so white for so many years.

They are all planned well.

It seems that they got the news before they got this preparation.

"Oh, thank you for your reminder." Manager Wang smiled.

Bei Lizong warmly shook hands with Manager Wang, as if he did not see the constellation of Manager Wang. After a warm and good farewell, Bei Lizong and his party went back happily, and the manager stayed in the port to eat the wind.

After returning to the factory, Bei Lizong told all the staff about this good news. Before everyone was worried, after this time the factory was going to close down, the boss had to go bankrupt, and I knew that the peaks and turns, the goods were paid off.

Bei Lizong was pleased with the big stroke, allowing employees to take a week off with pay and double bonuses. As soon as the move came out, the employees in the factory cheered.

At night, Liangzi wakes up from the hangover. After the shower, the meal is just arrived. When I have time, I can pick up the mobile phone on the table. When I saw the missed calls of dozens of Managers from the top, I browed and called back.

"How?" Liangzi asked casually.

"Young master, big things are not good."

"What happened?" The brow frowned.

“The North has already prepared the goods. When we go to the receiving, the goods are complete.” Manager Wang said cautiously.

The knife and fork in the hands of Liangzi fell to the table. "How is it possible!"

"This is true."

"Those goods are good? There are no defective products?" Liangzi asked in a hurry.

"Yes. We have carefully checked and checked, and they are all in good condition." Manager Wang reported truthfully.

The face of Liangzi became very ugly and hangs up.

The goods they want only need to be produced in the North Lizong factory. As for the extra goods, it is completely redundant. These goods are handled well, and I am afraid that Qian Minghao cannot explain it.

What should I do? How to make up?

Liangzi did no longer have an appetite, and the whole anxiety walked around the room.

At the same time, Qian Minghao woke up from another room, woke up and looked at the two Boba beauty around him, and Xingtou came again. After a hard fight with them, the whole person was exhausted.

Qian Minghao slowed down and thought that today is a good day. He picked up his mobile phone from the table and dialed the number of Bei Yuxi. Soon the phone was picked up.


Qian Minghao stroking the beauty of Boba, while opening his mouth, "North Rain, I forgot about it so soon."

"Oh, it turned out to be your scum. Since it is scum, I naturally won't remember it." North Rain said slowly.

"You..." Qian Minghao was in a hurry.

Damn, when does this woman's mouth become so sharp?

I want to scream back and quickly calm down.

Oh, it’s still so smug now, waiting for her to kneel in front of him, she wants her to please him like a dog.

After Qian Minghao thought about it, he was not angry. "North Rain, I heard that your father has gone bankrupt and has lost 80 million debts. I have a relationship with the CEO of that company. I don't need me to help you. intercede?"

(End of this chapter)

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