Chapter 1706, Destroyed Life 38

"My dad is the director of Linhai City, you have to let me go." Qian Minghao shouted at the two police officers outside the door.

One of them said: "Hangzhou is here, not Linhai."

Said, the two directly pointed at him with the back of his head.

"You..." Qian Minghao was too angry.

Ren Qianminghao shouted, and no one came to control him.

The people in the same room couldn’t stand his noise, and some people exported, "Shut up."

Qian Minghao was about to roar and go back. He suddenly slammed the man with a burly, tattooed body and suddenly closed his mouth.

Linhai City

Qian Zhenhao’s secretary received a reply from Hangzhou City. At first they felt that they were so uninterested, and this face was not sold. But after their euphemistic reminder, the secretary went to watch the video.

When he saw the video, he knew that things were not good.

The secretary rushed to find Qian Zhenhao, but at this time Qian Zhenhao happened to have a meeting with the provincial government. Even if he was in a hurry, he could only wait here.

From time to time, the secretary looked at the development on the Internet. When I saw someone who had squandered Qian Minghao’s pursuit of love, the post of the female student’s sulfuric acid, the above clearly stated what Qian Minghao had done in Linhai City in the past few years. One pile is very ridiculous, but even so, Qian Minghao’s peace is here today.

‘Mom’s egg, Linhai City is not letting the money house cover the sky. ’

‘There is no reason for this. ’

‘As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right, and his oldest son is not a good bird. ’

‘The money family is disgusting. ’

‘I heard that a relative of Linhai City said that the thing of sulphuric acid was true, and what was more excessive was that Qian Minghao was still chasing others and forced their family out of Linhai. ’

‘Upstairs, what are you talking about? ’

‘It’s true. My cousin is the same school as Qian Minghao. ’

'so horrible. There is still no management. ’

‘The law is shit. ’

‘The ups and downs of the ups and downs should not be so heavy. Although there is enough chaos on the side of Linhai City, it does not mean that it is the same in other places. ’

‘Hey, wait for you to meet the unfair things, let’s say this again. ’


Various social networking sites, various media mainstream websites, what is the hottest topic is Qian Minghao.

The secretary finally waited for Qian Zhenhao to come out. Qian Zhenhao also saw him, but he did not have a past, but accompanied the big leader. After the big leader was sent away, the secretary dared to go forward.

“What happened?” Qian Zhenhao asked.

The secretary did not dare to conceal, handed the video to him, and said: "Now the Internet is out of control."

The son of the idiot in Qian Zhenhao’s video was screaming in his name, and his face was sullen.

This is not something he can suppress, but it must be handled well.

Qian Zhenhao gloomy face, returned to the office, dialed his father's phone, and after talking to him, he heard that his father promised to let the people above help, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, a plane heading to Poussin Island was flying upwards.

From the hands of the flight attendants, Bei Yuqi took a magazine newspaper and saw that Qian Minghao, who was awkward in the front page news, was not surprised.

In the past life, the North family did not think that the money shop in Linhai City was unveiled through the online media. However, at that time, the North House had long been stared at by the money house, and their every move was in the hands of the money house.

(End of this chapter)

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