Chapter 1709, Destroyed Life 41

The north rain squats up to the front floor window, opens the window, the cool sea breeze passes, and the air has a faint smell of sea water.

After the rain fell to the north, the North Father and the North Mother also happened to be out of the house.

A family of three returned to the restaurant directly and planned to go out to eat food stalls tomorrow.

For three days, Beiyuyu took the North Father and the North Mother to take a lot of scenic spots and play various projects on the sea. Among them, only the northern rains were launched.

The northern rain snorkeled back from the sea, and the North Mother immediately picked up the juice and “drink some water.”

Bei Yuyu took over the juice from the North Mother, sat down from the side, took a sip of juice, and lay comfortably on the couch.

"Hey, your phone is always ringing. You can see if the other party is looking for you in a hurry." North mother reminded.


The north rain picks up the phone from the table, and there are more than a dozen missed calls. These numbers are strange numbers and have never been seen. Bei Yuyu called back and the phone rang for a long time, and the other party did not pick up.

When she called back for the second time, the phone was picked up.

The other side sent a tender voice, shouting with a hint of tentativeness: "Hey?!"

Bei Yuyu listened to this strange voice and browed slightly. "Just you call me?"

The teenager at the end of the phone said: "No. This is a public telephone."

Public telephone? !

"Children, where are you from here?"

"Public phone booth on Huaihai Road."

“Huaihai Road? Is it Huaihai Road in Linhai City?” Bei Yuyu asked.


"That's good, thank you."

"You're welcome."

After hanging up the phone, Bei Yuyi immediately called the blue smoke phone. In Linhai City, her first thought was blue smoke. When the original Lord left Linhai City, he had completely broken contact with the people there, in order to avoid Qian Minghao.

The person who knows her new number in Linhai City has only blue smoke.

Blue smoke did not use her mobile phone to call her, but instead used the public phone of the kiosk to make a call. It must have been a problem.

The North Father noticed the look of the North Rain. "What happened? Is there something wrong?"

Bei Yu Yan shook his head at him. "It's okay."

Beiyuyu stood up and walked over to dial Xiao’s phone. The phone was connected for a long time.

"Xiao Ye, this time I have to trouble you for a favor."

"what's up?"

"I have a friend in Linhai City. She seems to have something wrong. I want you to help me find her." Bei Yuyu said in a low voice.

"You send her photos and names to me."

"it is good."

Bei Yu Li immediately took out another mobile phone and sent photos and basic information of the blue smoke.

After Xiao Xiao saw it, "I will arrange for my subordinates to find."

"sorry to bother you."

After hanging up the phone, Bei Yuxi prayed in the heart of the blue smoke not to do anything. Waiting until the evening, Bei Yuqi received a call from Xiao Ye.

"Is there any news for her?" The sound of the north rain slammed with a hint of urgency.

The voice of the ink is still cold. "I found it, but her situation is not very good. When our people found her, she was being tied to a ship that went overseas to prostitution."

Just need this sentence, the north rain can imagine the situation at that time, imagine what kind of predicament she is caught in.

"She is here with me, I will take care of her, you don't have to worry too much."

(End of this chapter)

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