Chapter 1738, Destroyed Life 70

"this is……"

"There are a million of the money that I want to pay, and the rest are my wages."

Bei Yuyu picked up his eyebrows. "You are not afraid that I will not give you pocket money?"

Chu said from the ‘no shame’: “Don’t spend money, eat your wife’s soft rice.”

The northern rain smashed out his index finger and gently picked up his jaw. "Then I have to take a good look. Your face is not enough to eat soft rice."


The north rain squatted carefully, as if thinking, "Hey, this face is still qualified."

When Bei Lizong and Beimu had not yet arrived at the restaurant, they heard that the young couple was called greasy, and the husband and wife looked at each other and were very interested in going out.

When they walked out of the villa, Bei Lizong said to the North Mother: "Wife, I think we will go back and live."

The North Mother has the same feeling, "Well."

"As for Shantou, do you want to bring it back?" Bei Lizong asked.

North Mother threw the question back to her, "You decide."

"Let her go back, will it be too cruel?"

"A bit."

The husband and wife silently looked at each other and decided to have a heart.

"We have also lived a world of two people."

"So very good."

Linhai City

"Huang Zong, the factory in Hangzhou has come to collect money again." A responsible person said with a sad face.

Huang Liang looked up unpleasantly. "Are you a pig? I still need to tell you what to do?"

The person in charge is sad, he naturally knows how to do it, but this time the family is different, the attitude is very tough, "Huang Zong, I am already dragging. But the other party said that if we still do not settle the balance, they will sue We are."

"They don't want to cooperate for the second time?" Huang Liang's pen in his hand, slammed on the table.

"Should, should be like this." The person in charge could not help but wipe a cold sweat.

Huang Liang was angry. "They will sue if they want to sue."

Three days later, Huang Liang looked at the court flyer on the table and was a little dumbfounded.

The person in charge said with serious responsibility: "General Huang, this time the other party's attorney is Jiang Da."

"Jiang Dazhi? Is it the Jiang Dazhi who has never lost the economic lawsuit?" Huang Liang still heard the fame of this, and he is famous in China.

"Yes, it is him. Our company's team of lawyers, I am afraid to lose." The responsible person said as euphemistically, but the euphemism can not change the facts.

"It's all a bunch of waste." Huang Liang yelled.

He knew in his heart that this matter was that they did not take charge, and that the lawyers invited by the other party were Jiang Da, they had no chance of winning.

If this matter is promoted, it will definitely affect the image of the company.

Huang Liang took a few breathful breaths: "Speak with the person in charge of the other factory, private reconciliation."

The person in charge heard him loose, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief and immediately turned away.

Huang Liang calculated on the computer that the loss was more than eight million.

Damn, this money...

Huang Liang dialed Qian Minghao's mobile phone and only heard an impatient voice coming in.

"what's up?"

Huang Liang put away his anger, and said with a smile: "Qian Ge, the last time I lost more than 8 million to the North, you can see if this money can be..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Qian Minghao raise his voice. "What do you mean? You want to ask Laozi to take the money?"

Huang Liang listened to his words, this tone, as if he should not ask him to be like.

(End of this chapter)

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