Chapter 1741 destroyed the life 73

"I know." Huang Liang took a deep breath and decided.

He looked at the closed box door and walked it step by step.

After seeing the three words he replied, Bei Yuyi put the phone back on the table.

Now Qian Minghao has her own side, and Qian Zhenhao’s side also has her own people, and they are waiting for the day.

Chu left and took the towel from her hand. "The hair is so wet, it must be dried."

Sitting in the north rain, Chu gently wiped.

"What is so happy?"

Her slight change, Chu Chu can clearly feel.

"Guess?" The rainy naughty road.

Chu is looking through the mirror, staring at her, deep eyes and thinking, "I have successfully buried the mine."

Bei Yuyu looked up and looked at him. "Chu Li, is there anyone telling you that sometimes you can't be too smart, it will not look cute."

"Nobody told me, so... you have to teach me well."


She has a feeling of being embarrassed.

Obviously, he wanted to marry him, but he was stunned by him.


Time passed by, Qian Minghao and Huang Liang returned to good, Huang Liang took Qian Minghao into the gambling place and tempted him to take drugs.

Qian Minghao played very crazy, and under the influence of this purple drunken fan, he soon fell.

At the same time, the blue smoke was also going very smoothly. From time to time, she appeared at the side of Wen Meiyun and provoked the jealousy of Wen Meiyun.

As soon as she shot, she was on their disposal.

At first, Qian Zhenhao would only appease the blue smoke, but with Wen Meiyun's repeated shots and the intensified way, Qian Zhenhao could not help but shoot.

On the one hand, it is a more and more unreasonable wife, and on the other hand, it is a gentle and pleasant explanation. For a long time, even if the former has many years of marital relationship, they can't stand the quarrel again and again.

The feelings of Wen Meiyun and Qian Zhenhao have completely broken down.

Qian Zhenhao now lives directly in the blue smoke apartment. The two are like old wives and old wives. They eat together, eat TV dramas, and learn to nurse.

Qian Zhenhao originally had no feelings about the children who had not yet born, but he stopped him in the blue smoke. Every day, he let his son accompany his son to exchange and educate him. He gradually took care of the child and looked forward to his heart. Born.

Wen Meiyun wants to find her son and wants to let him pull back to her husband. However, she can't find Qian Minghao.

In the afternoon of this day, a coffee shop was cold and clear, and there was a woman wearing sunglasses and temperament in the corner. After a short while, the doorbell rang and a young woman with a belly walked into the cafe.

Blue smoke saw the northern rain at a glance.

After she sat down, a waiter gave a cup of hot milk.

"This is the milk I gave you."

"Thank you."

After the blue smoke sat down, she looked at the girl in front of her and only felt that she had disappeared for half a year. She became more and more beautiful.

"Rain, you are beautiful."

Her beauty is not the beauty of the five senses, but an temperamental improvement that cannot be said.

"You too."

"I am getting fat and getting into a pig."

After the two men ridiculed for a while, they entered the theme.

"This is what I got from Qian Zhenhao. I don't know if it helps you." Blue smoke put a brown paper bag on the table.

The northern rain raft was taken from her hand, opened the brown paper bag, and opened the contents inside.

(End of this chapter)

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