Chapter 1767 Real World 12

“飒 浴 浴 春 春 , , , , , 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 浴 。 。 。 。 。

"Good sentence, good sentence."

"The jade butterfly is flying and flying, it is wonderful."

A lot of praise around, praised Wan Linyu, and directly pressed Zhang Danfeng.

Zhang Danfeng’s smile on the corner of his lips was slightly stiff.

Xiuhong saw Zhang Danfeng get angry, and he was anxious, and he heard the sound of the north rain.

"When standing here, what is the use of urgency, go up and do a poem to suppress Wanlinyu."

"I do not know."

Her voice just fell, and she heard a low voice in her ear.

"Honeysuckle is fragrant, and it is open to autumn in summer.

Dancing between bees and butterflies, rogue vines.

Sitting on the wine, clearing the dust and worrying,

The first heart is still the same, drunk and dreaming of Zhou. ”

Xiuhong suddenly did not respond, and he heard the sound of the rain in the north.

"What are you doing here, let's talk."

The red and clumsy voice should be heard, and the poem was screamed out under the urging of the North Rain.

At first her voice was not big, but as the talents that appeared to them increased, Xiuhong became more and more calm, and the poems were completely clear.

"Drunken dreams, Zhou, wonderful, it is wonderful."

"This poem is very good."

Wan Linyu and Zhang Danfeng stared at Xiuhong at the same time. The former frowned slightly, but they quickly relieved. The latter is a touch of excitement, the face can not hide the joy.

When Bei Yuxi saw Zhang Danfeng's look, he knew that their first step was successful.

They had a good poem and suppressed Zhang Danfeng's rival. Naturally, he won his goodwill and caught his attention.

When everyone looked at her face, someone asked: "This Xiongtai, you have some face to face, I don't know where the teacher is?"

Xiuhong moved out the lines prepared in advance. "It’s just a tour of the place, just to hear the place where the talents of Linzhou Prefecture are gathered, so come and see."

"I don't know how to call Xiongtai?" Someone asked.

"In the next surname Zhang, the word Zilin."

"Zi Lin brother, polite."

Everyone came forward to introduce themselves, Xiuhong heard the dizziness, and when Zhang Danfeng came forward, Xiuhong’s nervous body was slightly stiff. Next, with the help of the help of the North Rain, Xiuhong quickly integrated into them.

Every time Wan Linyu pressed Zhang Danfeng, Bei Yuxi would remind Xihong to take a shot. Several times, he provoked Wanlin Yuhu to suspect that he was offended by her, while the other person was just the opposite.

Zhang Danfeng is very fond of this sudden appearance of Lin Lin brother.

When I was in the field, I heard the north rain whispered: "When you wait for Zhang Danfeng to come over, you can't be too enthusiastic, and you can't be too alienated."

"He will come over?" Xiuhong was surprised.

There was no speech in the north rain, because Zhang Danfeng’s eager voice was heard behind him.

"Zi Lin, please stay."

Xiuhong looked at Zhang Danfeng who was chasing him. His eyes were full of surprises. When he looked at the north rain, his eyes were full of admiration.

"I don't know if Zilin can have time to have a few drinks with me?" Zhang Danfeng asked politely.

Xiuhong subconsciously wants to nod, but at the last minute, she is awakened by the northern rain. "Oh, my brother, there are still things, I am afraid I can't have a few drinks with you."

Zhang Danfeng has some regrets. "So, I am disturbed."

Xiuhong turned to the slightest dagger and turned away.

When I walked out a few steps, I listened to the instructions of Bei Yuyu and turned to the head. I was facing Zhang Danfeng: "Oh brother, today is not good, what is tomorrow?"

Ps: Seventh, Seventh... Although it is very late, it is also a good task.

Mom went to sleep, good night.

Little cute, what do you think is good for the next world? Ancient or modern? Ghost or Star?

(End of this chapter)

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