Chapter 1773 Real World 18

Gu Ruran saw this somewhat boring, but when he saw his enchanting face, he would be angry under the pressure.

Hey, whoever is angry, can not be born with beauty.

Beauty is privileged.

Under the careful care of Gu Ruran, the night's injury gradually recovered. Both Xia He and Dong Mei felt it. Miss was very concerned about the man who never came out. He always felt that this kind of concern was beyond the scope of ordinary people.

They are not stupid. In fact, some of them are faint and understand some of the thoughts of Miss.

They can all feel that the man must have felt it, but he is always cold and faint to the lady. If you don't see the lady as a savior, I'm afraid I don't look at the lady.

This cognition makes the Xiahe and Dongmei who are protected very hostile to the night, and can’t wait to get rid of this unscrupulous man.

They stayed in Yuntai County for too long and will leave immediately tomorrow.

"You said that Miss will bring him?" Dongmei asked.

"Yes." Xia did not think about it.

"I hope he can leave with interest."

Xia He agreed to nod.

The dark night, which was rejected by two monks, stood in front of Gu Ruran.

"Thinking about it?" asked the cold night in the cold.

Gu Ruran looked at his demeanor, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

She would like to see it, and wait until he surrenders under the skirt.

"Thinking." Gu Yuran smiled.

"What?" The night has long wanted to leave this place and leave this woman.

The woman looked at his eyes and made him very uncomfortable, but because of her identity, she has been forbearing.

"I want you to be my guard and protect my safety. During the year. After one year, you are free to leave, and you and me are clear." Gu Ruran long ago when he said the reward, she thought Well paid.

The night brow was slightly wrinkled, and he did not expect that she would make such a request.

When Gu Yanran saw him stop there, he knew that his heart was reluctant. Gu Ruran naturally understands that when you look at each other, you are a person who is not bound by people. Now I have to tie him to my side, and there is resistance in the bottom of my heart.

"If you feel embarrassed, then I will not say anything. This kind of kindness, I will not let you return." Gu Ruran said with retreat.

The night is no longer hesitating, Shen Sheng: "Good. Protect you for a year, I will leave after one year."

"You don't have to be stubborn, I just talk about it."

"One year." The dark night said solemnly.

"Well, since you insist, it will be a year." Gu Ruran took a picture of him and he had no choice.

One year, I am afraid that one year later, she just wants to drive him away, I am afraid he will not go.

Gu Yuran has confidence in himself and can overcome this iceberg in a year.

Her purpose has been reached, and her mood has become exceptionally pleasant.

When Dongmei and Xiahe were informed of the news, the whole person was like a thunder.

"Miss, why did you leave him? This person is unclear, and I am afraid there is a scourge." Xia He could not help but say.

Gu Ruran said in disagreement: "We are coming to the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is impossible to rely on the horse to guard one person. This person has a strong martial arts, and he is there. We also have more security in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Dongmei is trying to say that they can't rely on Huafei Yu, the great emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but it was stopped by Xia He.

Ps: sixth more...

Very late, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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