Chapter 1775 Real World 20

"Strange, why the Fengzi has not yet got up." Muxiang suspiciously looked at the wing where the wind son lived.

Xiao Moer also feels strange. According to the past, the teacher has already got up, but today is already this time, and no one else has seen it.

"Maybe the teacher is out. Let's wait." Xiaomoer guessed.

"it is good."

Since Xiao Gongzi said so, Muxiang naturally did not object, and the two sat in the front hall waiting for the wind to leave the traces and then eat together.

As a teacher of Xiao Moer's teaching, if he is not seated, how can he be a student first, it is disrespectful.

One big and one small is an hour, the outside sun is already high, and the table meal has already cooled.

Muxiang said: "Little Master, is the Fengzi who is going out to do things?"

Xiaomoer shook his head and he didn't know.

"If we want to eat it first," Muxiang proposed.

After all, it’s not the way to wait for it. If someone goes out to work and waits until the evening to come back, then they are not going to hungry for a day.

Xiaomoer came down from the chair. "I went to the teacher's room to see."

Musk feels unlikely, "The wind son should not be in the room."

Muxiang knows that the martial arts people will not be lazy, and the martial arts of Fengzi are more powerful than the young masters. Such people are unlikely to be the ones who will stay in bed.

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

The little ink path walks to the front of the wing where the wind is detached, and then politely knocks on the door.

"Teacher, can you be in the room?"

No one responded in the room.

"Look, I said that the wind son can't be in the room."

Xiaomo did not speak, gently pushed the door open. As soon as the room opened, the two men walked into the house and saw a person lying on the bed at a glance. When Xiao Moer saw him, his face sank and hurried to the bed.

He reached out to explore the breath of the wind, still breathing, but let Xiaomoer breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiao Moer once again put his hand to his forehead, not hot, can rule out high fever.

He grabbed the hand of the wind, and took the pulse for him. The pulse was strong and powerful, and there was no sign of illness and physical weakness.

Xiao Moer shouted tentatively: "Teacher, teacher."

The man on the bed lay there motionless, as if he was in a coma.

"Teacher, teacher."

Xiaomoer shouted a few times, and the people on the bed did not respond at all.

Muxiang asked with concern: "What little illness did the young master have? Is the old injury recurring?"

Xiaomoer shook his head and could not answer.

From his body, there is no sign of illness.

This situation is very strange.

“Is it poisoned?” Musk sounded before the story of Bei Yu and them.

Xiao Moer said affirmatively: "It is not poisoned. The pulse of poisoning will not be so peaceful. It is like..."

Having said that, his voice stopped.

"What is it?" Muxiang asked, unable to wait.

"Fell asleep."

As soon as this answer came out, Xiao Moer felt incredible.

Musk surprised and squinted, "Asleep?!!"

"On the pulse and symptoms alone, it is asleep." Xiao Mo's white and tender little face wrinkled like a steamed buns.

"This, this is impossible." Muxiang does not believe it.

"Besides, I don't see any problems."

This is the first time that Xiao Moer has encountered such a strange symptom.

"Let's go out, maybe after a few hours, the teacher will wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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