Chapter 1777 Mysterious Island 1

When Muxiang and Xiaomoer were worried about the disease caused by the wind, the shadows hidden in the dark, and others, after learning that the master was in a deep sleep, was also a headache.

"Would we like to bring the lesser owners to other hidden places?"

The eyes of several masters have turned their attention to the film. He is the one with the highest martial arts and the highest status among them.

Shadow Shen Sheng: "No."

The last time the master secretly came out to perform the task, but was assassinated, showing that some of them were betrayed inside. If they transfer places, they are likely to be noticed by the other party. It is better to put it here, no one can think of it.

"Before the young master woke up, everyone stayed here. Two or two groups, can not be separated from each other."

Although the shadow guards are the cronies of the young masters, they are not betrayed by some of them.

In order to prevent accidents, no one can act alone during this time and monitor each other to ensure that the things of the Lord are not leaked.

Several people understand the meaning of the film, and everyone has no objection.


"Stay well here to ensure the safety of the lesser."


On the other side, the North Rain has entered the world of the plane as usual, but this time it seems that there has been a problem.

In the midst of a whirlwind, the sound of the system sounded in the ear.

[The system is faulty, please enter the world with the host...]

The next North Yu Yan did not hear a word, just because she was forced into a strong suction, and people fell into a coma.

When the North Rain waking up, I found myself on a yacht, sitting around her with five men and two women, plus she always had eight people. These people talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was very good.

"North girl, is your body uncomfortable?" asked a middle-aged man sitting on the side of the north rain.

The north rain swayed and shook his head. "No."

"If you are not comfortable, you can talk to me." The middle-aged man smiled.

"it is good."

Bei Yuyu closed his eyes and called for meditation in his heart.

"Ming, isn't it?"

"Hey, hey, if you are, you have a trouble."

No one responded.

It seems that there is a serious problem in the system, otherwise there will be no sound.

What is the mission world?

What is the main task?

What is the mission goal?

What is the plot?

Everything for everyone is unknown.

The current state can only be adapted.

The northern rains quickly adjusted their status. Since they don’t know anything, take a step and take a step.

She opened her eyes and observed the surroundings and the people in front of her. From the environmental point of view, she should be on the cruise now because she can hear the sound of the waves outside and the sound of the seagulls.

The eight people on the cruise ship, except for her own, did not know the identity and relationship of the other people because they did not have the information provided by the system.

According to the middle-aged man on the side of Fang Cai’s name, this body should be surnamed North, and it is likely to be called Bei Yu. As for her relationship with the middle-aged man, it is only a short conversation and a tone of enthusiasm.

It can be judged that they are not familiar with each other.

The man's body has a faint scent of disinfectant water, and there is a clear old man in his hand, and the old man looks at it with a knife all year round. The middle-aged man should be a doctor and a doctor who often performs surgery.

(End of this chapter)

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