Chapter 1781 Mystery Island 5

Bei Yuyu looked at the middle-aged man with a slight dagger and entered the room.

Put the baggage on the table and start to look at the room in front of you. Thick carpets, exquisite paintings, beds are fine pears, and every piece of furniture in the house is fine.

This is just a room. Looking at the rooms of the entire castle, I am afraid there are hundreds. If there is no such room in the room, it can be seen that the owner of this castle is not described as a rich man.

After entering the old castle, Beiyuyu always felt a strange feeling, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

After the north rain squats up and down the room and checks the side, it is determined that there is nothing wrong with it before starting to sort out the luggage. Finding identity documents and other things from the bag can confirm your identity.

The original main fruit was called Bei Yuxi, aged 22, just graduated from college and entered the society, and found a poster for her propaganda from her bag. After seeing the above content, Bei Yuyi was finally able to confirm that they all signed up for the game.

The name of the game is "Island Treasure Hunt". The above propaganda is very simple. There is only one sentence. Who can find the important things lost by the owner on the island? That person can get 10 million bonuses.

The eight of them should be the last one to be elected.

After the washing of the northern rain and grass, I changed my clothes and went to the restaurant. There were two people sitting in the restaurant, the old surnamed Huang and the middle-aged doctor.

She gave a slight dagger to the two.

The middle-aged doctor smiled and said hello; "Miss North."

"Hello." Bei Yuyu didn't know his name and could only respond like this.

The middle-aged doctor seemed to see that she couldn't remember her name and smiled and said: "The name of the monk, the word Tao, is a surgeon."

"Sorry, I don't remember very well." North Rain saw that he couldn't see it, and said calmly.

The middle-aged doctor smiled without paying attention.

"Mr. Zhang has something to trouble you." Since he knows his own situation, Bei Yu does not mind letting him know more.

I dare not ask before, it is afraid that they are familiar with each other, afraid of showing their feet.

Now that eight people are not known, naturally, you don't have to worry about your own being discovered.

"What is it?" asked Dr. Zhang.

"Can you tell me about the situation of other people? The front is a little dull, I don't remember very clearly."

"no problem."

Soon, Yu Yuxi knew the names and identities of the seven people from Zhang Tao’s mouth. The old man was surnamed Huang, and he did not say anything about it. He only said one surname.

Loli girl is a senior student named Li Mengmeng.

The other enchanting woman, called Sun Mingyue, runs an SAP beauty salon.

Sven glasses male name is Ke Hongyu, is a company's general staff.

A refined, temperamental young man is a high school teacher.

The head was dyed with a yellow-haired punk, an unemployed, named Feng Qing.

The identity of these people is exactly the same as she guessed.

During their conversation, other people entered the restaurant one after another, and each person randomly found a space to sit down.

Li Mengmeng went to the side of Beiyuyu, and asked sweetly: "Miss sister, can I sit here?"


After Li Mengmeng sat down, "Miss sister, you don't seem to like talking."

“I just got into an unfamiliar environment and I don’t get used to it.”

"It is like this."

Ps: Do you guess this plane is spooky, or a vampire, or a suspense, or something else... oh.

(End of this chapter)

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