Chapter 1785 Mysterious Island 9

Sen Guan’s unsightly glance at Ahua, Ahua immediately lowered her head. “How can I talk to the guests and apologize?”

A flower promised a word, raised his head and apologized to Feng Qing with his head down. "I'm sorry."

The little mixed-mouth seal slammed his mouth and said nothing.

Sen Guanjia explained to the crowd: "Artest is also the employee of our lord. This is the private island of the lord. Without the command of the lord, he is afraid to send the outsiders to the island."

The old surnamed Huang, who has never spoken, said: "So the murderer is among us."

As soon as this statement came out, all the people present were confronted and looked at the people around them with a scrutiny and vigilant look.

"Everyone should not guess, wait until the police come, naturally will not find the murderer. We are now waiting for peace of mind." Dr. Zhang voiced to ease the tension on the field.

"Right right, Dr. Zhang said right. When the police come, it will naturally come to the fore." Li Meng Meng could not help but nod.

The North Rain is not so optimistic, she always feels that things are not that simple.

"You are waiting for the police here, I am going to find the baby. I am here for 10 million, but I don't want to waste my time because of an irrelevant person." The little mixed-mouth Feng Qing stood up and left the hall. .

His sudden departure made the brows on the field slightly brow.

"Scum." Huang Laos whispered in his mouth.

Gongsun Mingyue stood up and stood up. "I am bored here, I am going back to the room to rest."

Said to stand up and leave.

Then Li Mengmeng, Yan Jin, Zhang and others left. It can be seen that the words that have been sealed up have reminded them to let everyone wake up from Ke Hongyu’s death.

Bei Yuyu said to Sen Guanjia: "Sen butler, you are bothered to lock up the room of Ke Hongyu to prevent someone from entering the scene."

"Okay, Miss North."

After the rain was finished, he did not go up the second floor, but walked out of the castle and went outside. She walked along the wall of the castle and walked to the rear, discovering that there was a cliff at the back of the castle, and the rough sea below.

Standing on the cliff and looking at the environment around the castle, Beiyuyu was surprised to find that the castle is the highest place to build the whole island. It is luxuriant in front and steep cliffs in the back. The place is the forest ahead.

In fact, what shocked the North Rain was not the place where the old castle was built, but the sea surface, which was soaked with fog and thick fog, completely blocking the line of sight.

No wonder that it is difficult for outsiders to enter the island. The place where the island is located, with her limited knowledge of Feng Shui, can't see what the terrain is, but she can be sure that this place is extraordinary.

Suddenly, the voice of ‘咔嚓’ came from the bush.

The northern rain stunned and swept away to the sound, "Who?"

As she spoke, the person had gone to that place.

As soon as she walked in, she saw a figure standing in the jungle.

Feng Qing raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a sly look. "What is it?"

"How are you here?" North Rain glared at him as he looked at him.

Feng Qing pouted and turned a blank eye at her. "How am I here? Beauty, I am here to find the baby before you."

The north rain 棠 really saw Feng Qing’s hand holding a small shovel with fresh dirt on it.

(End of this chapter)

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