Chapter 1788 Mysterious Island 12

Sen Guanjia went to the front of the two people and said to Ahua, who was carrying the lamp: "Is the room of the master cleaned?"

A flower shook his head.

"Not going fast."

A flower buds should sigh and turn away with the lights. Bei Yu's gaze looked at the back of Ahua's departure. Suddenly, the line of sight was blocked by a figure.

She looked up and looked at the Sen Butler, who was blocking her body. "Sen Butler, we want to find it here."

"Two ladies, this is the private forbidden land of the lord, and no outsiders are allowed to enter. If the two ladies want to find it, please go to the other side." Sen Guanjia was polite and ordered.

Li Mengmeng was not so good to send, directly asked: "I asked Ahua before, when your family lost something just happened to live here, things are likely to be here."

Sen Guanjia smiled and said: "The two ladies, you must have made a mistake. When the master was in the West Hall, things were always there, until they left the Western Temple, they found out. The baby disappeared in the West Hall, East There is no temple."

"But, but..." Li Mengmeng wants to say something, but does not know how to convince him.

"This is a private place for the lord. If the two ladies have nothing to do, they have to set foot here." Mori Butler is screaming.


The northern rain smashed Li Mengmeng and left. When they walked out of the East Hall, they only felt that the surrounding temperature had become higher. The sun shone on the two people through the window, dispelling the coldness of the body and felt warm.

"It's still comfortable outside the West Hall." Li Mengmeng sighed.

"Yeah." The north rain slammed, and looked at the east hall promenade behind him. The long corridor was dark and terrible. The long corridor was like an abyss. Once people entered, it seemed to be swallowed up. .

When this idea came out, Bei Yuyi only felt a coldness rising from the bottom of the foot and kept it to the top of his head.

In the eyes of Li Mengmeng, Yu Guangjian saw the arms of Beiyuyu exposed outside, and asked in amazement: "North sister, are you cold?"

Li Mengmeng looked at her goose bumps on her arm, which was very doubtful.

The north rain nodded. "Yeah, it's a bit cold."

"Then let's go back soon."


The two went toward the West Temple. When they left, they saw the dark corridor like the abyss. Two green glows suddenly appeared. Looking far away, it was like a pair of green lights. s eyes.

The eyes stared at the back of the two rains.

The northern rain that was leaving suddenly felt something staring at myself, and the feeling when I arrived here last night was once again emerging.

Looking northward, the northern rains look down on the darkness, and there is nothing else.

When the northern rains turned their heads, the lush green light in the dark corridor reappeared, staring at them until they were far away.

When Bei Yu and Li Mengmeng went to the hall of the Western Temple, they saw Feng Qing and others sitting in the living room. Their faces were not very nice.

"What happened?" asked Bei Yu.

Dr. Zhang said: "Ten minutes ago, the police station called and there was a typhoon approaching. The wind and waves on the sea were too big for them to come."

"What?!" Li Mengmeng’s voice suddenly rose, and he said: "So we are not going to have a room with the body."

"This is also a no-brainer." Dr. Zhang looked helpless.

This is not what they think.

Ps: Mom, write these two chapters, the ink is really erected, always feel that there are people behind it.

Hey, hey...

(End of this chapter)

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