Chapter 1799 Mysterious Island 23

"North sister, is it medical science?" Li Mengmeng asked curiously.


Li Mengmen stared at the books on her desk. "Can I see?"

"up to you."

Bei Yuyu knows her thoughts, but she doesn't break. Nowadays, their minds are still estimated to be in the 10 million. What the northern rain does not understand is what is her mission and what is the goal?

Perhaps the original Lord was to die here, and the purpose of letting her come is to catch the murderer in all likelihood.

Li Mengmeng picked up the books of Bei Yuying and carefully looked at it. He just gave up after he had not maintained it for a long time. She knows the above words, but she doesn't know each other when she combines.

Professional medical knowledge, non-professional knowledge is difficult to understand.

Gong Sunmingyue also came to see it. When I saw both Dr. Bei Yuqi and Dr. Zhang, they all looked at medicine. In the heart, as Li Mengmeng thought, I thought that there was something here. Finally, I strictly showed their true purpose.

"You are going to find out from the books how the murderer will secretize the blood in Mr. Huang and Ke Hongyu's body?"

"Yes." Dr. Zhang nodded.

Li Mengmeng and Gongsun Mingyue on the side are blindfolded, and they did not expect it to be this.

"North sister, are you coming to find this?" Her voice was a little shocked.


Li Mengmen suddenly lost interest in this library. Before she thought it was a secret, there is nothing now. She was not interested in the book and left after a few minutes.

Gong Sunmingyue also followed, but he stayed rigorously.

"Many people are strong, I can see if I can find them." Strictly looking for a few books, turning over and reading a few pages, the brows were deep and wrinkled, and finally the books were helpless. "It seems that I don't have the ability." Can't help you."

Dr. Zhang smiled and said: "It's okay. This is normal. The books here are all relatively deep, and it is normal to not understand."

Strictly looking at the north rain, "Miss North, have you studied medicine before?"

"No. But I am personally interested in this aspect. I usually look at books when I am."

"It turns out. I won't bother you."

After rigorous departure, Dr. Zhang glanced at the north rain, and his eyes were hidden with a hint of inquiry.

At 6:10 pm, Dr. Zhang took a book.

"Miss North, the time is not early, it is time to go to dinner." Dr. Zhang did not want her to eat the food here, added a sentence, "Although it is important to find the answer, but our own body is equally important. I read a full day of books today, it’s time to take a break."

Bei Yuyu wrote a book, "Okay."

When the two went downstairs, suddenly, the pace of the rain at the foot of the north rain, a look back and behind, is a long corridor behind them, because they left, the shiny wall lamp has been extinguished.

Dr. Zhang saw her suddenly stop and looked back at her eyes. She saw that she was dark behind her and could not see anything.

"what happened?"

The northern rain whispered: "Have you ever felt that someone is watching us behind you?"

Dr. Zhang’s face turned white, and suddenly he looked at the dark corridor behind him. He only felt that his body was cold, as if he would rush out of the unclean things in the next second.

"You, are you too tired?"

(End of this chapter)

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