Chapter 1801 Mysterious Island 25

"Miss North, this is the milk that the Mori Butler sent me to you." A flower facelessly put the milk on the table.

The eyes of the northern rains swept over the face of Ahua, and the eyes were slightly stunned.

"A flower, is your body uncomfortable?"

I don't know why, I always feel that Ahua in front of me is a little different from the daytime, giving her a feeling of disobedience.


"Thank you for your trust."

A flower nodded and then walked out of the library silently.

The northern rain has been watching Ahua leave, her eyes have been staring at Ahua's feet. When she walked, she did not make any sound. It felt like she was not using it, but floating.

Xu is her eyes too hot, let Ahua feel it.

She stopped and slammed her head, silently turning her head and exposing a row of white teeth to the distant rain.

At that moment, Bei Yuyu only felt that there was a kind of cold meaning that could not be said.

"Miss North, can you still have something?"

She clearly stood in a far away place, but the northern rain was clear to hear her.

The voice was a little empty, as if it was floating into the ear from a distance, as if she was talking in her own ear.

There is a voice in Bei Yu’s heart telling herself that she is not a human.

She looked at Ahua's figure and disappeared into the dark corridor. She seemed to be integrated into the darkness.

The door that has been open is a little bit smashed when her figure disappears.

Bei Yuyu looked at the gate on the raft, no longer thought about the other, but sat down on the knees and began to practice the cold palm.

There is a sense of urgency in her heart.

I suspected that there was a problem with the poem before, and then I saw the strangeness of Ahua. After I entered this castle, I always felt that something was monitoring them. The death of Ke Hongyu and Mr. Huang Lao, and the death is so strange, all this is an unusual.

These are unusual, all from this castle.

The poem left by Sen Guan is really intriguing.

If you don’t realize this life,

No one asked the flowers outside the door;

Change the head and face the predecessor,

Death knows everything.

"You **** it!"

Now among them eight, they will die.

She is afraid that the worry in her heart will come true. If the target of the next murderer is her, the self-protective self can only become the lamb to be slaughtered in the hands of the murderer.

The northern rain does not cultivate the inner workings of the cold ice palm, but directly learns the masters learned in the world before the plane.

This is the fastest self-protection.

She didn't want the murderer not to find it, she hung up first.

There is no room for manoeuvre at that time.

After practicing the rain in the north, I only felt so tired.

This is the body of the original Lord. It does not exercise on weekdays and cannot adapt to high-intensity training.

Time is tight and she can't help her to scream, she can only insist on her teeth.

After practicing three times, I reached the limit of this body. The north rain was tired and sat on the ground, and the body could not move. After sitting on the ground, her eyelids sinked a little bit unconsciously, unknowingly concealing the cells in her body and spreading throughout the body.

"咚", the head of Beiyuyu went to the side and fell directly to the ground.

In the middle of the night, a scream of screams came from the second floor. The sound broke the silence. A light was on, and a door opened and they stepped out of the room.

Li Mengmeng stared at the sleepy eyes and looked at the doctor who was out of the room. "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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