Chapter 1815 Mysterious Island 39

Dr. Zhang spoke up, and everyone was swearing, and he was sold to him.

"Who will cook?" Dr. Zhang looked at everyone.

"I will."

"The meals in these days have to bother you." Dr. Zhang said politely.

"Polite." Bei Yu Yan said again: "I just looked at the food in the kitchen, almost enough for a few of us for four days, should be able to spend the typhoon period. I am going to prepare everyone for lunch."

Beiyuyu stood up.

"I think we have to do some preparations at night." Strictly said.

"Yan teacher is right." Li Mengmeng should be.

Dr. Zhang glanced at Feng Qing. "We will go get some weapons together and deal with the unknown danger at night."

Four people in two groups, split and act, and North Rain is left to prepare lunch.

After eating the dishes in the restaurant, the northern rains, after seeing them leave, took the omelette and bread that they had made before and put them on the plate and went to the second floor. On the second floor, she looked around and determined that no one was there.

She pushed the switch to the room of the Sen Butler, and the Sen Guan heard the voice and looked up at her.

Bei Yuyu knows that time is limited and goes directly to the theme. "Sen Butler, I want to know, who is the owner behind you? Is it right among us?"

Sen Guan did not speak.

The north rain brows slightly wrinkled, "Men butler, I have limited time, please tell me."

Sen Butler finally spoke up. "I have nothing to tell you."

"No." Bei Yuyu frowned, his sharp eyes staring at him. "You have a clear statement before telling me why you have changed your mind now? What are you worried about? Or are you afraid?"

Sen Guanjia said calmly: "I have nothing to say to you, it is your illusion."

"The illusion?" Bei Yuxi thinks that his eyes are clear to her message, "What makes you shut up?"

After the steward looked at her, Bei Yuhua immediately turned to look behind her, nothing behind her.

"Sen Butler, can we all live alive between you?"

Sen Guanjia sighed. "I can only give you a piece of advice. Don't go to the East Hall."

"Why? What's there?" Bei Yuyu eagerly asked.

Sen Guanjia directly shuts his mouth.

"If you don't want to tell me who the murderer is, then I will ask another way."

Sen Guan is silent.

"Is the murderer in the middle of a few of us?" asked North Rain.

Sen Guanjia’s eyes lifted and he gave her a deep look.

"Is he..."

"How are you here?"

When the door opened, a female voice interrupted the question of the North Rain.

Yan Jin and Li Mengmeng looked at Bei Yuyu with amazement. The two looked at Bei Yu's eyes with a trace of suspicion.

North Rain 低 a low curse in my heart.

damn it!

This body is too ordinary, ordinary people come here, have not heard their footsteps.

The northern rain stunned and stunned, and looked calmly and calmly said: "I sent food to Sen Guan."

She pointed her finger at the bread and omelet.

Yan Jin and Li Mengmeng took a look and eliminated doubts.

"What are you doing here?" asked North Rain.

"Let's come over and find something." Li Mengmeng's eyes flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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