Chapter 1840 Mysterious Island 64

"My sister had a full-fledged metamorphosis, and that metamorphosis killed her alive. They were afraid of being implicated and disguised their sisters as falling into the lake. They bought a forensic doctor and made a false autopsy report. This incident has passed through the sea."

"When the mother came back, she was immersed in the pain of losing her daughter until she found her daughter's notebook and knew what kind of sin she had suffered. She began to wonder if her sister's death was really a sudden death."

"They were known by the people. They were afraid that the mother would pick things up. When a few people discussed it, she would be strong in her first hand and her mother would die in the lake."

"When I know, it is already late. They have been dead for so long, but this hatred, I will not forget. Anyone who has done sorry for them should die."

Feng Qing’s cold eyes looked at her. “I can think of it now, what crime have you committed?”

There is no memory of the original Lord in the north, and naturally she does not know what role she plays in this matter.

Bei Yuyu did not answer, shifting the topic, "That forensic doctor is Zhang, is the perverted perpetrator a Mr. Huang Lao?"


"What is Ke Hongyu and Li Mengmeng?" asked Bei Yuyu.

"The head of the gangster was arrested by the police a few years ago and shot directly. He died simply. There is a father's debt, and he happens to have a secret son. This person is Ke Hongyu. As for Li Mengmeng. ”

Speaking of this name, Feng Qing’s tone became cold.

"She used to be a good friend of her sister. It was this good friend who dragged her sister into the water and made her robbed. So she **** it, even if she was too late to hate her hatred."

"I really want to know, what role do I play in it?" asked Bei Yuyu.

Feng Qing heard that she hasn't thought of her sister until now, and she has never been concerned about her sister's death. There is no guilty heart. This made Feng Qing's face gloomy, and her gaze became cold.

Bei Yuyu naturally felt his change, adding a sentence, “Before the head was traumatized and lost some memory.”

Feng Qing snorted and looked cold, but it made the outsiders not see if he believed or did not believe.

"Reassured, I will make you die clearly." Feng Qing looked at her coldly. "I learned from my sister's diary that she once asked a classmate for help, but the other person turned a blind eye. That person is you. If You helped her at the time, she and her mother may not die, so you should die."

At this point, Bei Yuyu finally understood the beginning and the end of the matter.

“Why don’t you have to sue them by law?” asked Bei Yuyu. “The consequences of doing so will also hurt you. I think that as your mother and sister, you should not want you to do this.”

Feng Qing sneered, "Law? Hey, what are the uses of these people even if they are in prison? It is not painful, it is too cheap for this group of animals. I have to kill them personally and avenge my mother and sister."

"Well, they are all dead, now it is your turn." Feng Qing's lips evoked a cruel smile.

Bei Yu Yan looked at him, did not speak, just sighed with a sigh.

"As the last one, I give a welfare, you can choose how you die."

(End of this chapter)

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