Chapter 1844 Mysterious Island 68

"Now let's talk about our business." Ahua slightly lifted her squat and looked at her high. "First of all, congratulations on becoming our seventh candidate."

"Candidate?" North Rain 棠 frowned.

"Yes, if you can let the Duke adults look at you, you will have the opportunity to have eternal life."

"Eternal life?" The northern rain licked the words, "You are not human?"

Ah Hua is not surprised that she can guess. After all, since they went to the island, their every move is under their control, naturally knowing how her performance.

"Yes. We are the vampires in your mouth." Saying, Ahua deliberately exposed a pair of sharp fangs, and her eyes became cold when she showed her teeth.

Ah Hua originally wanted to see her shocked and scared, and she knew that she was looking as usual. I don't know if she really feels strong, or she is calm.

In the north, Yu Yu had already guessed it, so she was not surprised when she showed her teeth.

However, now I want to come and feel that fate is very interesting.

Before, Feng Qing was deliberately trying to make people think that the vampire was doing it. I didn't expect to have a vampire here.

“Can I refuse to be a candidate?” asked Bei Yuyu.

"You only have two ways to choose, and one will send you to Huang Quan now, a kind of awkward candidate, and strive to win the favor of the Duke adults." Ahua seems to think of something, "If you deliberately lose the election, you can not let the Duke adults I like it, I am afraid that you will die if you want to die."

"It seems that I have no right to refuse."

"Yes. Seeing that you are not like that stupid person, knowing how to do it is good for yourself."

There is nothing to say in the north rain.

A flower sees this and knows that this beat is a function.

Her fingers flicked, and the power that controlled her own disappeared, and the action of the Northern Rain was restored.


When the two men walked out of the secret room, Bei Yuyu looked at the furnishings outside the house and knew that it was the East Hall. It was only when they left the East Hall and left the castle that the situation outside the house completely changed.

The dense jungle disappeared and the sea disappeared. Instead, it was a towering mountain peak covered with a layer of white snow. Even if they stood in the distance, they could feel the coldness in the air. .

Everything in front of me has changed and it has become completely different.

The northern rain was only a moment of surprise, and then calmed down. In the world of cultivation, the transformation like this is singular, but it has not been seen before.

Ah Hua saw her face calm and couldn't help but ask, "You don't feel strange?"

“Here should be a parallel world?”

A flower raised an eyebrow, "Yes, I actually saw that this is a parallel world."

"Before, the old castle we are in should be the entrance to the parallel world." Bei Yu said.

The more I saw her, the more satisfied she was. "You are very smart. I hope that you can live longer with the Duke."

Bei Yu’s eyebrows raised her eyebrows.

A flower deliberately said this, I want to see if she can stand it.

Ahua grabbed the arm of Bei Yuyu in one hand, and their bodies volleyed and quickly went towards the snow-capped mountains. The snow-capped mountains are very close, but they are far away, even if they fly fast, and when they are near, they will be full for an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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