Chapter 1847 Mysterious Island 71

Vampire algebra is based on the initial possession.

For example, the first time the vampire king first embraced an ordinary person, that person would become the second generation vampire.

The second generation of vampires first embraced other people, and that person would become the third generation of vampires.

The first generation of vampires is the most powerful, followed by the second generation, and so on. The most inferior vampires are the last vampires who can't control their desires and have low mana.

Beginning is the process by which a vampire converts an ordinary person into a vampire. (Seeing that there is a little cute doesn't know what is called the first time, explain.)

The dominant player in this world is not ordinary humans, but vampires led by blood. In addition to the blood family, there are ordinary people, and the human race seems to be weak.

It is known from the words of several of them that the human race is only the food of the blood family at best, and when they are born, they are supplied to the blood family. Passed down from generation to generation, this concept has entrenched each other's two races, and no one feels that this is wrong.

Of course, in history, there are some people who are sober-headed and want to rise up against them. Unfortunately, the final result is only a dead end.

This has led to the existence of the blood family food for generations.

Many Terrans want to be vampires, even the last vampires, for them a great glory.

This is also why these girls have to cut their heads and want to go to the castle and want to become the food of the Duke.

The Duke is the most powerful vampire in this territory and the ruler of this territory.

Now that Bei Yuying is facing a situation of being treated as a ration, she is now worried about how to survive here. Because there is no system, in the event of an unfortunate death, she does not know whether she can return to the previous world.

This is currently worrying about Bei Yu's heart.

If you live, you will have the hope to wait until the day the system is repaired.

"Do you know what kind of person the Duke is?" Bei Yuyu asked the baby girl.

The girl's face is called Eve. Among the few people, she is the most talkative, and she is also straightforward. "The Duke is an adult, noble and beautiful, and is the most powerful royal vampire."

"I mean what is his personality? Are there any special habits, good?"

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing each other is victorious. First, you must understand his habits and judge the person's behavior. Only then can he make plans and let himself live in this grotesque world.

Eve stunned and shook his head against the north rain.

I don’t know a few people, and the North Rain has not lost.

"You said when the Duke will recruit us," Eve asked cheerfully.

"I want to come tomorrow."

Just as they talked about it, the bronze door opened again, a vampire guard entered, and the sharp eyes swept over a few of them, and the woman next to Eve, "Follow me."

The woman who was pointed to, the eyes were shining, excited to stand up, and the other women looked at her with a look of envy.

Bei Yuyu looked at them like this and didn't know what to say.

"Do you say that Ailee will be seen by the Duke adults and become his son?" Eve couldn't help but ask.

"do not know."

"Should be it."

Bei Yuyu didn't want to answer this question, but Eve was named separately, so she didn't want to say it.

"Eighty percent may not be." North Rain did not dare to say 100%, afraid to break the dreams of several people.

(End of this chapter)

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