Chapter 1849 Mysterious Island 73

After washing herself in vain, the four men put on a gorgeous court dress. As soon as they walked out of the bath room, the people waiting outside the door took the rain from their hands.

"Put this on." The vampire guard handed a piece of black cloth to her.

The northern rain swears, covering the eyes with black cloth.

In the next second, I only felt that my body was volley, and after a few breaths, my feet landed.

Not waiting for her any hesitation, struggle, her hands and feet are all **** by the chain. Although I can't see my situation, I can feel that she was on the cross at this time.

The black cloth was still covered in the eyes, so that she could not see the situation outside.

Until she smelled a faint scent in the air, Bei Yuyu knew someone was coming.

When I came, I didn't say anything. When I got to the front, when Bei Yuzhen realized that he was close, there was a pain in his wrist. Soon the blood flowed out of his wrist and dripped into a bowl.

"Adult, can you take my eye mask off?" The sound of the crispness of the north rain broke the silence.

The man ignored her.

"You shouldn't be looking good, so don't dare to let people see it."

The man still ignored her.

"Actually, people are ugly, not your fault. It's all born, you don't have to be too inferior."

The room was still quiet, only to hear the slight blood dripping in the cup.

His silence, his disregard, people have the illusion that there is only one of her in the house.

"Adult, can you ask a question?"

"Dukes are handsome?"


The northern rain does not know who the other party is, and it is the master of the Duke. If she wants to live from it, at least she has to have the opportunity to talk to herself.

This is to ignore myself and talk about how to save yourself.

No matter how North Rain said to him, the other party ignored her.

After the rain in the north could not smell the faint scent, the north rain stopped.

The north rains have been waiting, and my heart is planning to see if I can get close to the **** people who sent the meal. When she was hungry, no one came to deliver the meal until the next day, the faint musk was once again in the house.

This time, like the last time, she also cut her wrist and began to bleed.

Bei Yuyu knew that he did not leave and spoke again.

"Adult, I am very hungry, have you eaten?"

No one responded, and the other party completely regarded her as air.

"You don't talk, it won't be you..." The last words didn't say, but the exaggerated expression on her face was actually the words.

The other party is neither angry nor aware of her, directly when she does not exist.

The northern rain is not discouraged. "Although we are the rations raised by the Dukes, shouldn’t we feed us all the time, so can we keep fresh blood from the source, but you don’t give food, is it not? It’s wasted.”

At the same time, in a dark palace, a coffin in his coffin, close to a dry body, sat up in a gorgeous coffin.

A blood **** came into the temple with a cup of bright red blood.

The corpse reached out and took the blood from the plate. After drinking it, the whole body was like a dry pool. It was filled in an instant, and his body became full with the speed visible to the naked eye.

The blink of an eye, originally a dry corpse, instantly turned into a handsome young man.

(End of this chapter)

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