Chapter 1853 Mysterious Island 77

"Really." Bei Yuyu said in a very positive tone.

What Harrison thought of, his eyes passed a touch of haze.

Bei Yuyu noticed the shackles of his eyes, and his heart jumped. There was always a bad premonition. Didn't he bet wrong?

Harrison looked at her with a smile. "I have a sale here and you said."

After hearing this sentence, Bei Yuyu knew that he was right.

"Adults please talk." Bei Yu Yan said respectfully.

"You lurk to Smon's side and look for an opportunity to kill him. After the event, I will give you a back cover and give you eternal life and make you my son."

A person who can make a party arrogant and up-to-heart, can be an ordinary generation. I want to come to the other person's identity is not ordinary, in all likelihood, one of the five major dukes.

If the other party is the Duke, it is difficult to kill him.

Bei Yuyu didn't want to kill him, but he couldn't say it on his mouth, and he couldn't show it like this. "I, I can't kill him."

"Reassured, I have a way for you to kill him. Now only ask you, can you answer?" Harrison asked.

He actually wants to put a spy around Smon, in case he needs it.

Bei Yuyu’s pretentious and struggling look, finally resolutely said: "Good."

Harrison never thought that she would not disagree. After all, the people in his territory had natural conviction and closeness to him.

Harrison didn't know where to get a black pill. "This thing is eaten."

Bei Yuyu knows that it is not that simple, but now is her only chance.

She took the pill and was preparing to put it in the mouth, and there was a long-lost voice in her mind.

[叮, the system is repaired and initialization begins. 】

When Bei Yuying heard this voice, he felt that he was close to him.

I used to think that the sound was mechanical, cold and ugly, and now I heard that it was really bringing her to peace of mind.

In fact, she has been worried that the meditation and the wind will suddenly disappear.

Seeing him back now, the heart that Bei Yuqi has been carrying has finally fallen.

[The host has to enter the mission world? 】

What do you mean?

Isn’t the world in which you live now, not the mission world?

[The world in which the host is located is the mission world, but the time difference is three thousand years. 】

Nani! ! !

"After three thousand years ago, or three thousand years later?"

[Three thousand years ago. The correct investment time for the host is three thousand years later. 】

[Does the host enter the mission world? 】

This is not a mission world. Naturally, I don't want to waste time. It is only a month since she entered the world, but it didn't delay her too much time.

There is no hesitation in the north rain, "go into the mission world."

What undercover, what assassination of shit, all have nothing to do with the old lady.

Harrison saw that she was not eating, and thought that Smon would soon find it. The dissatisfaction urged: "Come on."

Bei Yuyu listened to the countdown in his mind and smiled at Harrison. "The old lady has no time to play with the undercover game."

Harrison looked at her in the wrong direction, but the next second was angry.

A small blood cow, who is not arrogant to him, is really damn.

Harrison was angry and shot directly at her.

At the same time he shot, Smon appeared.

Smon saw the body of the northern rain, flying like a kite, hitting the wall heavily, the limbs were cracked, and the blood was overflowing.

"Hey." Smon screamed and trembled directly through the stone room.

Ps: seventh more...

The system is really cute, always appearing at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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