Chapter 1861 Mysterious Island 85

When the north rain came out of the room, I heard the busy voice in the kitchen.

When the North Mother saw her coming out, she turned to her and said, "Come and wash, and you can eat after breakfast."


Breakfast is still the same as usual, simple bread, milk and omelettes, and the northern rain licks the milk in the cup. "I am full."

Going to the living room, carrying the bag on the back, shouted in the direction of the restaurant: "Mom, I am going to school."

"Well. Be careful on the road."

The northern rain rushed to the bus stop sign three hundred meters away from the community. After a while, the car that I was waiting for arrived. After brushing the card, I found the position in the back row and sat down. When the car saw the terminal, Beiyuyu got off.

There is still a distance from the stop sign to the school, and it takes about fifteen minutes to walk. Bei Yu Yan walked on the road, many students in the same school saw her, one or two have avoided her and escaped far away.

Within a distance of two meters around the northern rain, a vacuum zone was formed.

"Isn't this the North Rain? It seems that I haven't seen her for a long time."

"I heard that I was seriously injured by Miss Isa’s follow-up and I have been recovering from my family."

"Hey, you also believe this. She, clearly, was scared to miss school by Miss Isa."

"If I was replaced by me, I would drop out of school early, and I haven’t come out yet."


The people around me whispered, and their eyes turned from the rain to the north. If the northern rains are not seen, calmly and calmly walk on the road, as if everything around them has nothing to do with her.

According to the memory, Beiyuyu found his own teaching floor and easily found his classroom. At this time she stood at the door of the classroom and did not enter.

A female student of the same class saw Bei Yu Yan standing at the door, and the dissatisfied urged: "Come on."

Said, the female student pushed her to her.

Behind the rain, it was like a pair of eyes, one side of the body, avoiding her hand, but the female student did not have the good luck, because she was too hard, the body directly dumped forward, the palm directly Pushing open the door, half of her body fell down with the opening of the door.

A basin of water above the top of the head had no support points, and then poured down, mixed with dirt and dirty water directly drenched in her upper body.

The people who were originally in the class were laughing at the scenes when they saw people falling down and being topped with dirty water. They laughed happily.

Bei Yu glanced at the rather wolf on the ground, and there was no sympathy in his eyes. He calmly crossed her body and entered the classroom.

When the students in the classroom saw the appearance of the northern rain, the laughter stopped and they looked at her incredulously.

How is she standing here, who is the person on the ground?

Everyone brushed their eyes and looked at the ground.

The people on the ground were completely forced, and they climbed up from the ground after a long while. Seeing one of his wolverines, the vicious eyes looked at the North Rain that did not have anything.

Damn, she is her, she is harmed.

Lena wandered from the ground, "North Rain, I am not finished with you."

The north rain shrugged and looked at her innocently. "Isn't it that you don't have long eyes and push the door? How can you blame me?"

Lena gasped forward, and the north rain squatted back and forth, rubbing her nose with one hand, frowning and said: "I think you are still far away from me, you are really stinky."

(End of this chapter)

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