Chapter 1870 Mysterious Island 94

Everyone who looked at the bustle was dumbfounded, and watched the viper lying on the ground motionless.

The northern rain picked up the snake and looked at the classmates in the class. "Who is the pet?"

pet? ! !

A group of people looked at her silently.

They always feel that the northern rains in front of them are very strange, strangers are not like they know.

Perhaps they never knew her.

In the days that followed, there were endless ways to deal with the rain, and the dead mouse was thrown into her schoolbag, or when she was in the bathroom, she was ready to lock the door, then splashed the water and so on.

However, no one is successful. On the contrary, all the people behind the scenes have suffered, especially the one who pours the urine last time. It has become a famous person in the school.

On the second day of the urine, Bei Yuyu came to the school early. She did not enter from the main entrance, but entered from the blind corner that could not be monitored. When the students continued to come, her eyes continued to glimpse in the crowd, and soon the target was found.

Wang Hao did not succeed yesterday. He did not make Ess happy. Instead, he was rejected by Isi, which made him feel bad all day, and he was still depressed today.

Damn, that woman is harmed.

Wang Hao looked down. When he walked to the front of the teaching building, he heard a slight ‘bar 嗒’ sound on the second floor. The voice was too light and was directly drowned by the human voice.

After the sound, I saw a pot of golden liquid rolling and falling directly.

Wang Hao, who was standing in the middle, and the people around him, were drenched with a heart.


There were bursts of exclamations around, and the students who were unfortunately recruited were dumbfounded.

"It's stinking."

"That is urine."

"Oh, I seem to see a yellow block."

"where is it?"

"On the head of Wang Hao."

Everyone looked at Wang Hao’s head and saw suspicious yellow objects.

"That should not be..."

Needless to say, everyone knows what it is.

Wang Hao’s face was gloomy and terrible. Hearing the voices of the people around him, the smell of urine in his nose was really disgusting to vomit. At this moment, his murderous heart is gone.

"Who is it!" Wang Hao screamed.

At this moment, Wang Hao saw the northern rain that was coming to this side not far away.

The pair of eyes that looked like poisoned eyes stared at her. "Is it you?"

The north rain squatted him up and down. "This classmate, you want to filthy troubles and tell the evidence. I just came from the outside, but I didn't have time to climb upstairs and pee."

Wang Yiyi said that she said that it makes sense, but he has an intuition that this matter must have something to do with her.

"I remember that you like to play with sputum and urine. Isn't this the time you want to taste the feeling of being irrigated?" Bei Yuyu looked at him with a look of 'you are amazing'.

After the students around me heard it, they couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Wang Hao felt that his eyes were dizzy. "You, you, you..."

After talking for a long time, it is hard to squeeze a word.

"Oh, it’s really no big deal in the world. There are always people who are so convinced that it’s hard to believe." Bei Yu’s slang is long and heavy.

"North Rain, you give me waiting."

Wang Hao went away in anger, and the several pooled fish were also squinting away.

(End of this chapter)

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