Chapter 1874 Mysterious Island 98

"We have let you go now, will you let us go?" Black boss asked subconsciously.

"Of course." Isa said affirmatively.

She naturally wouldn't tell them that the first thing she would do was to wait for her to go back safely. Her body is not something that they can see with dirty bugs. She will definitely dig their eyes and get rid of their hands.

The black boss and others were somewhat moved, and they couldn’t help but look northward, but when they thought of the woman’s military value, the just-burning signs were annihilated.

"I don't mind if you turn your back." Bei Yuyu smiled and looked at them, and they had some hair in their hearts.

"Oh, how can we dare to turn it down." Black boss said.

The northern rain owl is too lazy to ink with this kind of wall. "If you want to live, use it on her body in the way she told you."

Ess's face suddenly changed.

"You dare!" said Isa, "If you dare to move me a hair, our Iraqi family will never let you go, and your family."

A few people in the black boss face each other and don’t know how to be good.

They could not help but look at the north rain.

Bei Yuyu looked at a few people. "You think that if you don't do anything now, she will let you go. You know that you have seen her body and even touched her body. Being smeared by a group of little gangsters, are you sure that she won’t kill you after the incident?”

Black boss and other people face a black, resentful look at her.

This is still yours.

"If you don't want to die, just listen to me. Follow what I said, and make sure that you have nothing."

When Is heard her, she quickly said, "Don't believe her, as long as you let me go. I must not be jealous and give you a lot of money."

Black boss to see the north rain, and look at Isi.

The north rains no longer speak, so they look at them with awkwardness.

"Boss, which side are we on the side?" one of the younger brothers whispered.

The black boss frowned and looked pensive.

The scene calmed down for a while, and everyone's eyes were concentrated on the black boss. Black boss only thinks that Yalishan is big, I don't know how to be good.

He saw the anxiety of Yi Si's eyes and mixed with a trace of grievances. Then he looked at the face of Bei Yu's face, like a smile, and he already had the answer.

"Small two, small three, take the video recorder."

Ess’s face changed greatly, and she said with a sly look: “What do you want to do, I tell you, if you dare to do this, I will kill you, and you will die if you are born.”

Xiaosan was scared by her sly eyes, and some hesitated. "Boss, do we really want to do this?"

Although the black boss is not very smart, he will not be stupid enough to be saved.

Obviously they and the North Yu Yan have been on the same front, even if they have let go of Yi Si, when she turned his face and did not recognize people, it is very possible to kill them.

Expected to worry about whether she will abide by the recognition, it is better to follow the North Rain. Besides, even if you don't listen, I am afraid that the fierce woman has a way to make them obedient.

"Idiot, we have offended her, do you think she will let us go?" Black boss smashed the little three feet.

Seeing that they stepped closer to themselves, Isis panicked and was afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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