Chapter 1890 Mysterious Island 114

After leaving the North Rain, I went to the place where Norson lived temporarily. When she arrived, Northon had got rid of the hunter and returned home. When I came back, I smelled the familiar taste.

"Good incense." Northen stared straight at the bright red blood that Beiyu was pouring into the cup.

Noson took a quilt and took a sip. He slammed his mouth. "This time the taste is better than the last time. The duck blood was really hard to drink last time. Right, what blood is this time?"

"Human blood." North rain slowly spit out two words.

"What?" Northen widened his eyes. "Where are you, where are you from?"

"Don't look at me with that surprised look. These blood are all blood handled in the hospital. I secretly gave you a few packets and it was your ration during this time."

Northen tasted a little, "Although this person's blood has expired, but this taste is still chicken blood, duck blood."

"You never thought about drinking human blood before?"

In the previous family business of Northen, it is very simple to get some blood.

Northen shook his head. "I am afraid of being discovered. I hate that I am a **** person. If I have eaten human blood, I can't get through it. Now, I have been completely rejected by human beings. Think about my former self. I feel that everything I do is superfluous."

"I should have long understood that from the day I became a blood family, I was destined to not coexist with humans."

The northern rain saw him lost, and he patted his shoulder. "Maybe, one day in the future, the human race and the blood family can coexist."

"Maybe." Northen gave a sigh of relief, and he wouldn't believe it in his heart. It would happen one day.

It was not long after a long time, when the Terran and the Bloodman coexisted, thinking back to what the woman said in the day, there was another burst of emotion in her heart.


Smon crossed most of the territory and looked at the bustling city. Every time he went to a city, he would definitely stay for half a month and meditate throughout the city. On this day he went to the site of Ram, just halfway through it, because someone had to come and had to interrupt.

Rim woke up a month ago and was recovering. I didn't expect Smon to come to her site and make her a little uneasy. After all, the Lord is not irritating.

Rim smiled and walked forward. "Duke Smon, what is it to come to me today? If there is any place, if you need me to help, say it as soon as possible. Nowadays and no more than before. We must have a common advance and retreat before we can make our homeland." Returning to the past."

She tentatively said that the words of their current predicament and their own ideas.

Smon looked at her and said coldly: "It’s passing."

When Ram saw that he was not looking for a sly, the heart was relieved, and she was really afraid that the Lord was looking for something. I can see that I came here to provoke people's dislike. She is not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do. She slams and then retreats.

Asked by the elders behind Rem: "Adult, the Duke of Smon need us to send people to stare?"

Rim gave him a cold look. "Stare at him? Are you sure that the people under your hand can not be discovered by him? If there is such a person, I don't mind if you do it."

The elder suddenly shut up and knew that he had made a mistake. If you send someone to stare at him and be discovered by him, you will get something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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