Chapter 1899 Mysterious Island 123

At the moment he was caught, the servant showed sharp fangs and went to Smon.

North Yu Yan saw it and was not worried at all.

In front of the Lord, the ancestors of the blood family, if they were injured by the lowest blood group, it would be the biggest joke in a million years.

As he exposed his teeth, Smon's fingertips stroked from his front, only a white light flashed, and two teeth fell from his mouth.

"You, are you a hunter?"

He did not feel the breath of the same family from Smon, so it is natural to be a hunter if he can have such powerful means.

In front of this, this one can enter the Iraqi home quietly, not to be discovered, and it is obvious that their strength is extraordinary, and it is very likely to reach the four-star level.

After the dark analysis of the servant's heart, his face became unusually ugly.

The servant misunderstood their identity and they did not explain it.

"Look at my eyes," Smon said to him.

The servant subconsciously went to the past. After facing his eyes, the focal length in his eyes slowly dispersed. After a few breaths, he stood there like a marionette.

"Take us in."

"Yes, Master." The servant is obedient.

The two followed behind the servant and walked into a narrow passage. After they entered the passage, the door behind them was automatically closed. They walked down the steps and walked for about a minute or so. There was a big room in front of them.

As they stepped into the room, the lights in the house were bright, and there were rows of crosses in the house that were tied to a single person. These were young men and women. Their eyes were scattered and their faces were pale.

The sound of ‘drip, drip’ is particularly loud in the quiet room.

The voice came from every cross, and each of them had a wooden barrel underneath, and the barrel contained blood dripping from their bodies.

When the rain fell on the north, the brow wrinkled slightly.

"Save, save lives."

Suddenly, a person in the corner woke up in confusion, squinting, trying to focus, and want to see people.

Smon saw her thoughts, first stepping down the man, covering his fingers with the fingers, and soon his wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After he helped the man to heal, Bei Yuxi noticed that his face had become pale.

"Are you okay?" asked Bei Yuyu nervously.

Smon smiled at the slightest smile. "No problem, it only takes some heart."

The northern rains looked at these people in the secret room. They first checked their bodies, all of which were overdrafts and dying. Bei Yuyu had the heart to save them, but it was easy for them to take one out and it was not easy to bring a group of people out.

If all of them are saved, the Iraqi family will definitely find an abnormality.

Smon saw her embarrassment. "The blood in their bodies is basically drained, and they can't save them if they take them out. Even if they want to hug them, there is no way."

The first time you need the opposite blood to enter the **** body of the first time, and then through his conversion to return the blood to the person's body. Now their body is not getting much blood, and it is no longer possible.

Bei Yuyu took out the photo-brain machine to record the situation in the secret room, in case of emergency.

"Is everyone caught by you here?" asked the north rainy cold.

Ps: I am here today. Moye wants to take the test tomorrow, and must go to bed early. Although it is not too early, it is a little faster.

good night!

(End of this chapter)

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