Chapter 1923 Real World 12

"Lin dispenser, this is the latest pharmacy. Look at it." Bei Yu 递 handed the box over.

Lin’s shopkeeper immediately picked it up. Some of them couldn’t wait to open the box. They saw a row of porcelain bottles juxtaposed in it, and the eyes were shining, and the mouth whispered. “It turned out to be a potion.”

How hot is this ice cream, how popular it is, only the treasurers of them know.

If there are orders on the top, I am afraid that the shop below them, a bottle of ice muscle cream can not get.

The ice muscle cream in the palace is vying for it, the noble woman who is up to the government is rushing for it, and the output is just a little bit. It is totally porridge and not enough. Every time you produce ice cream, you can buy it in a single city.

Now he is fortunate enough to see the agent of ice muscle cream, and he is excited.

Lin’s treasurer knew that he was a little out of order and smiled and said: “Let you see it.”

Bei Yuyu smiled. "No problem. There are a total of twenty bottles of medicine in the box. You can confirm if there is any difference."

Lin’s gaze quickly swept away. “Yes, a total of twenty bottles.”

Bei Yuyu took out the receipt of the book, "Trouble to write down the number, sign the name and stamp it."

Lin’s shopkeeper signed it up and stamped it.

"I didn't expect Mrs. Wood to come to us. The big treasurer is looking forward to seeing you every day." Lin carefully put the box in the box. "I have a question. I don't know if Mrs. Wood can answer it easily?"

"You ask."

"This is the case. Mrs. Wood’s whereabouts are erratic, our shopkeeper wants to find you, but I don’t know where to look for you. You can see if you can tell us where you will go next time. If our treasurer is looking for your business, you can rush to meet with you in advance." Lin shopkeeper asked.

Bei Yu Yan looked at him with a stern look. "Is this what your big treasurer asks?"

Lin’s treasurer squatted and said: “The big treasurer has no requirements. It’s just to discuss it with you. I don’t know if you are convenient?”

The northern rain has been indulged for a moment. "If you have something to discuss with your big treasurer, you can inform the following people in advance. When I go to your business next time, I will tell me where I will next."

Lin’s treasurer suddenly smiled and smiled. “That’s good. I’ve got a month from the last month’s money. Madame, if I need to settle the dividends, I will send people to the Qianzhuang County next door. Take, just need the lady to spend more time in our Sanshui County."

“Our Sanshui County has beautiful scenery, as well as the famous Sanshui Fish Banquet, the lady and the little boy.”

Bei Yuyu had planned to spend more time with Xiaomoer, and he was not in a hurry. He agreed.

"Yes, I will leave tomorrow," said Bei Yuxi.

Lin treasurer was busy asking: "Where can the lady find the place to stay? If not, I will arrange for the person below."

"Lin dispenser, you are polite. There is already a place to live. I will come over and take the money tomorrow morning."

"You can rest assured that you will be ready for the money tomorrow morning." Lin shopkeeper patted the chest to ensure.

"Lin dispenser, stay."

Bei Yu and Xiao Moer left the rouge shop. The Lin shopkeeper stood at the door and saw them go away before they hurried back to the house. He immediately ran to the backyard and grabbed a pigeon from the cage.

(End of this chapter)

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